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Anyone remember this trailer?
I think they should allow us to redo those gens because a lot of us didn't know the impact it would have on us years down the road by not doing them. I think it could be a cool second chance event we could have so those of us who were stupid enough to skip (like me) could get the journal achievement and title.
I once asked @Mewlynne during the last GM event if they could please bring back G1-G3. I think it would be really cool not only for stupid players like me, but also for nostalgia purposes for players who completed that content.
We could even make it so that the end chests during such an event could drop some updated items. Oh and you'll like this, deffinitely not an afk event. HA!
It's been a while since they have designed their own event. Remember the Zombie Camp Capture the Flag event for Halloween during 09? http://wiki.mabinogiworld.com/view/Zombie_Attack_Event We need more original content.
Ahh yes thats the actual one. I just googled "hold my hand mabinogi" and that was the first one I found lol
it wasn't a run... it was a massacre
Present : Solo everything
I remember that and "Raghodessa".
And "White".
I still remember "Competey Angle Boots" :'D
Cooper Ore.
This was what made me hyped for the game.
Honestly I found it harder to take enemies down when a lot of players were around back then as the aggro could shift, and the person not prepared might get killed.
I'd only dungeon with my one buddy, and that was mainly for the int dungeon quests so we could get extra loot as we both could solo them even back then. Not going to say it was fast as rundal normal easily took 2+ hours as one minor mistake you were dead in one hit(barri was almost impossible).
Still remember how it took me like an hour to kill the succubus solo for the title by charging thunderbolt to 5 charges running in and shooting her, and running away till aggro broke lol.
I actually forgot I still had this saved.
People used to run away from me or load counter whenever I transformed. It hurt my feelings, I never PK'd anyone. Cows on the other hand...
I specifically remember trying so many times to beat the Dark Knight Initiation Dungeon thing, where you would collect the armor pieces in Albey or something... It took me so many tries and felt great when I got through it!
Reminded me of this