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Chain Slash Hidden Talent Titles?
"Has combo talent titles such as "Dark Knight", "Circus Trainer", "Observer", "Queen", "Commander", and "Assassin"."
This is the little information the wiki currently suggests. o:
Does anyone know about these hidden talents or what all of the hidden talents are with Chain Slasher?
Also what talents does it take to get the hidden talents? c:
I have:
Circus Trainer
Black Magician
Ranged Weaponeer
That's all the hybrid talent titles I have. You usually don't get any new ones after Great. Black Knight didn't fit with all the others so it's there on the right.
Did they add any for the other newer talents? If not, I hope they do consider it.
I still....I still don't know what to think of that. XD
But.. occultist.. muhehehehehehe >:3
Wow. I wanna be queen too. REEEEE
Eh whatever I got Occultist >:D
Yeah, it didn't fit on one shot and I couldn't expand the window, so I just had black knight selected so it would appear on the right.
Yeah I wanted Queen EXTREMELY BAD ever since I heard about it from KR a while back with their Chain Slash update months ago.
Buuut I figured we wouldn't be receiving it because of some translation stuff.
I made this post mainly to figure out if we were getting Queen or not- looks like it's Friar instead. ^-^;
black knight
black magician
ranged weaponeer
great hybrid titles:
Black Knight: Knight
Black Magician: Mage
Ringmaster: Adventurer
Trader: Merchant
Friar: Cleric, Chef
Occultist: Puppeteer, Construct Alchemy
Assassin: Fighter, Apothecary, Ninja
Gaoler: Close Combat, Blacksmith, Tailoring, Ninja
Ranged Weaponeer: Archery, Gunslinger
lmao I realized I missed some talents because I had it on windowed mode, and didn't see them all. XD
You weren't expecting it because nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
Torture devices anyone?...I mean, that's my best guess as to why that's there...?