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Soo, what to do with new talent notebook?
Do we just throw it away now? I don't think we got anything from completing the entire notebook.
If anything, I would say it's similar to Altam's journal.
@AppleChancery Nexon probably mistranslated the flavor text, the reward(s) are actually the seal you get for every note you collect.
I don't think it did anything. I had a completed book. I read it when the event was going and all it did was talk about the different skills; no "complete" button.
I tried to read it AFTER the event ended, but all it would say is "The event is not ongoing".
where was the complete button if you saw one?
there is no reward for completing the book other then facts about the new talent. really lame that it can't be read after the event. it makes all the hard work players put into collecting the pages useless.
Ah...I'm so so sorry. I've been so tired, I must have misinterpreted what you said. Or maybe I accidentally responded to the wrong person. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset or misinterpret.
Sounds chaotic but potentially fun sometimes?
Ah...but really...thank you.