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Make the Gachas more fair

Mabinogi Rep: 100
Posts: 2
in Feedback and Suggestions
I am VERY displeased with your "gacha" services. This is a gamble. You spend 30$ to get 5$ worth of back. It's disgusting how you're ripping people off like that. I'm pissed off at how every time I spend hard-earned money that I think would be fine invested in the game, I end up being wrong. 9/10 times you just rip me off. I'm so tired of it. This is NOT fair to your players. It might just be MY bad luck, but in my 8-9 years of playing, I've only gotten around 5 things that are ACTUALLY worth it from Gachas like the Diamond Jeweler package. Anything that you guys can use to SCREW people over, you'll take. I love this game, but this kind of makes me want to throw the god damn game in the trash. All I wanted out of the 22 that I bought was ONE thing, and it was the winter queen argenta wig. I didn't get ANYTHING that's even worth it. You screwed me just like every other time. I get it that it's partly my fault for even buying the gachas, but YOU shouldn't let it be that easy to screw people over. You're stealing money from peoples pockets, and it's EXTREMELY unfair. I hate it. It's making me hate the game. It looks like y'all don't even give a about your players' experiences as long as you're making the money. I don't mean to sound like the 40 year old mother that's asking for the manager, but I'm just so sick of being screwed over on this game. I am absolutely 100% DISSATISFIED with your service. $60 spent in the span of 6 days, and NOTHING to show for it. I'm very displeased.


  • LidrsterLidrster
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,830
    Posts: 98
    durrloinn wrote: »
    I am VERY displeased with your "gacha" services. This is a gamble.

    Is there any gacha that is not gamble ?

  • SylviaWolfeSylviaWolfe
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,810
    Posts: 342
    Gacha is always a gamble. You can't be "screwed" because that's what you sign on for in gambling. It sure does sting, and it would be great if drop rates were posted/improved but as long as people keep throwing money at the current model, they don't have to.
  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    edited January 30, 2018
    Your whole life you have been doing gachas. Like trading cards and blind bags. People need to stop thinking it's only nexon.

    Also, it's just your luck. I got fantastic pulls in the last gacha and the christmas gacha but nothing good from the jeweler box. Thats life, you win some you lose some.

    Nexon isn't making you do the gacha also. If you keep throwing money non stop at them then that is your own fault. Knowing when to stop with a gacha means you have control.Do one gacha once, then move one and wait for the next one. It's just luck.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited January 30, 2018
    *snickers* Yeahhhhhh, about that... You probably have gambling problems... I would suggest you to edit/delete the post, because it's cringe to read as hell.
  • ApollodorusApollodorus
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,865
    Posts: 57
    So first things first, there is nothing immoral about gachapon. Nexon is selling you a product, and just because you didn't pull the specific rare item you wanted with your 60$ purchase doesn't mean that the gacha is ripping you off.

    That being said from the perspective of a consumer buying a product Nexon's gacha do leave a lot to be desired. Inflated rarity on popular items, lack of transparency, constant repeats of non-desirable items are all areas that Nexon could improve on. I sadly just don't need any more treasure hunter shoes, and having paid money to receive an inventory brick that is worse than worthless to me certainly adds a teaspoon of salt to my soul. I'd love it if we could maybe convert items we didn't want to some sort of 'gacha currency' that could be used to purchase items in the gacha's pool or something. Something like Shy's shop, though ideally it would be a permanent shop with limited time items so the gacha currency always retained value. What I do begrudge is the ratio of gacha to non-gacha content we get, especially with the over-saturation of things like increasingly gaudy wings dominating the economy.

    Still I'm an adult and I can't blame anyone but myself for wasting my money. There's no need to get emotional about it, if you don't like the product then try to explain what you think might make the product better and see if it improves, and if not then don't purchase it. I've actually been steering away from Nexon's cash shop lately because I find my purchases in GW2 to be more satisfying and fulfilling. Chain seal box was alright, but I wouldn't have even bothered getting any of the Christmas gacha if not for Shy's psychological trap. Speaking of GW2 though I wish Nexon would take a page from their book and just let players buy gold for NX and NX for gold, players are pretty much doing that under the table anyways and it helps reduce (eliminate) gold bots and cash shop complaints.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    I wish Nexon would take a page from their book and just let players buy gold for NX and NX for gold

    Please no... This will destroy economy for sure. Wouldn't be surprised if it kills the whole server.

  • ApollodorusApollodorus
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,865
    Posts: 57
    Greta wrote: »
    I wish Nexon would take a page from their book and just let players buy gold for NX and NX for gold

    Please no... This will destroy economy for sure. Wouldn't be surprised if it kills the whole server.

    It balances out better than you'd think actually. It ties gold to NX so gold always retains value and simultaneously introduces a gold sink that will never become outdated and that players will constantly be pumping gold into. The trick is to not make the exchange rates the same, NX will always cost more gold to buy then you'll get from buying it. It seems counterintuitive at first but like I said it actually works, and it also runs gold sellers out of business.
  • TotokeTotoke
    Mabinogi Rep: 995
    Posts: 26
    Simple solution. Don't buy gachas, especially if you only want 1 thing.
  • durrloinndurrloinn
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited January 31, 2018
    Multiposts have been merged. Please do not spam posts.

    I don't mean make it so that the economy will break. I mean make it so there's less of a chance at getting screwed over.
    Totoke wrote: »
    Simple solution. Don't buy gachas, especially if you only want 1 thing.

    Don't be a -removed- on my post thanks
    Greta wrote: »
    I wish Nexon would take a page from their book and just let players buy gold for NX and NX for gold

    Please no... This will destroy economy for sure. Wouldn't be surprised if it kills the whole server.

    It balances out better than you'd think actually. It ties gold to NX so gold always retains value and simultaneously introduces a gold sink that will never become outdated and that players will constantly be pumping gold into. The trick is to not make the exchange rates the same, NX will always cost more gold to buy then you'll get from buying it. It seems counterintuitive at first but like I said it actually works, and it also runs gold sellers out of business.

    I get that. But it's really crappy when you spend a whole ton of money on the game and it ends up screwing you over. I also think the gold prices for a lot of things are super ridiculous. Especially things like the succubus queen wig, being 80m or more. How are free-to-play players supposed to get that kind of money? Grind for years? This game is a serious pay-to-win game. They need to make it more fair for the entire community.
  • TotokeTotoke
    Mabinogi Rep: 995
    Posts: 26
    edited January 31, 2018
    durrloinn wrote: »
    Totoke wrote: »
    Simple solution. Don't buy gachas, especially if you only want 1 thing.

    Don't be a -removed- on my post thanks

    You posted publicly, expect opinions. Thanks

    If you want real advice, what I said is true. If you're not happy with the service provided by gachapons, then do not buy them. Yes I'm going to be a bit hard on you for doing 2 stacks for 1 item(that wasn't even new btw), but yes gachapons aren't fair. But for one thing KR is in control of rates for rarity and it's just as bad (if not worse for them). Everyone who's played the game has probably shared your thoughts(yes me included) I used to do gachas and kept getting garbage(the same gestures over and over again, upgrade stones, elite pass(yea seriously these.....)), and stopped when I realized I'd be better off saving for the thing I want. If it's too expensive, wait for the re-release(because it always happens aka. rip coco dress prices). Ask yourself before you throw away your money "Do I really NEED this item right now at this moment?" If you do decide to go through with it, best of luck.

    P.S $30 and getting nothing > $200 and getting nothing
  • YangKoeteYangKoete
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,185
    Posts: 266
    Could just do what I do...

    Only really buy $5 - $10 worth of stuff for gachas you like, and if ya don't get something ya like, sell it off if possible and save for what ya do like.

    It's pretty simple...
  • VeylaineVeylaine
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,050
    Posts: 348
    edited January 31, 2018
    Pretty much what a lot of people have said here don't do gacha if you're just wanting few or just one item, unless you're prepared to spend a lot of money. Only time I spend more than $50 is when they have something useful that is guaranteed for every gacha. Things like the 300% golden fruits from mmo junkie or the occasional gachas that give out shadow crystals, if they don't do that I most likely won't spend over 30$ for one.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Being against the notion since you simply lost is inane; would you argue against it if you won instead? Logic should not depend on such egocentric observations if you ask me.

    My winnings doesn't dismiss your arguments anymore than your losses discredits any claims the gacha is "fair". In which case, I ask what the very definition of "fair" is, and what responsibility Nexon has, moral or otherwise, to comply with such a stringent request?

    It seems fair to me, to define fair to be mean that the way the gachapon works is transparent, and hardly provides a paying player any more of an inherent, significant, and payer only advantage...for the most part. Iunno.
  • SheenaSheena
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,515
    Posts: 381
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    Your whole life you have been doing gachas. Like trading cards and blind bags. People need to stop thinking it's only nexon.

    Also, it's just your luck. I got fantastic pulls in the last gacha and the christmas gacha but nothing good from the jeweler box. Thats life, you win some you lose some.

    Nexon isn't making you do the gacha also. If you keep throwing money non stop at them then that is your own fault. Knowing when to stop with a gacha means you have control.Do one gacha once, then move one and wait for the next one. It's just luck.

    Hard to call it "Luck" when gachas are an algorithm made and manipulated by a human, since real "Luck" is more like an universal od beyond human comprehension.
  • TrythisTrythis
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,170
    Posts: 153
    edited January 31, 2018
    @Sheena I wouldn't argue with semantics like that.
    When it means someones own actions they could just referring to person opening gachas thus they are taking a chance and whatever they get will be by chance.

    Also your definition of luck is on the level of those woo woo people or religious people who think theres something in cosmos controlling the odds but no theres nothing and its just chance.

    In any case your strange definition of luck is irrelevant, yes its an algorithm but that doesnt change the fact its a still a rate as long as nothing definite or absolute whether you'll get something or not. Yes some rates on the spectrum can be very close to no you're not getting it, like a .1% drop rate yes its very low and practically you wont get it but technically no because theres still a very small chance

    Google search definition is very broad and what faye described does fall under luck whether its "natural" or man made algorithm is irrelevant unless we're using your weird definition.
  • OpalthiraOpalthira
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 943
    edited January 31, 2018
    I wanted tranformations medals... I got 6 pairs of wings.
    Gachas seem pretty fair to me.

    And transformations were the common drop
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited January 31, 2018
    Why not just use the mobile gachapon marketing tactics of at least a guarantee of a certain rarity for every 11x or 50x bought, like an additional box with the rare pulls exclusively in it?
    For example: Marvel Contest Of Champions, Fire Emblem Heros.
    These either up your rates every low rarity pull, or give you the specific rates and a single guarantee outright.
    (They also don't take much time for marketing to download and play for research purposes.)
    Seriously, I feel like we've had this discussion before.
    Mainly about how outdated Nexon's marketing team seems to be, and how to improve it... in another gachapon complaint thread...
  • SheenaSheena
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,515
    Posts: 381
    edited January 31, 2018
    Trythis wrote: »
    @Sheena I wouldn't argue with semantics like that.
    When it means someones own actions they could just referring to person opening gachas thus they are taking a chance and whatever they get will be by chance.

    Also your definition of luck is on the level of those woo woo people or religious people who think theres something in cosmos controlling the odds but no theres nothing and its just chance.

    In any case your strange definition of luck is irrelevant, yes its an algorithm but that doesnt change the fact its a still a rate as long as nothing definite or absolute whether you'll get something or not. Yes some rates on the spectrum can be very close to no you're not getting it, like a .1% drop rate yes its very low and practically you wont get it but technically no because theres still a very small chance

    Google search definition is very broad and what faye described does fall under luck whether its "natural" or man made algorithm is irrelevant unless we're using your weird definition.

    No need to think too much about it really and no I'm not a religious person or a fanatic of anything.

    Also "The level of those woo woo people or religious people"? You seem like a person that just loves to look down at everyone, so whatever fills your cup.
  • EkaterinEkaterin
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,360
    Posts: 66
    durrloinn wrote: »
    I'm pissed off at how every time I spend hard-earned money that I think would be fine invested in the game, I end up being wrong. 9/10 times you just rip me off. I'm so tired of it. This is NOT fair to your players. It might just be MY bad luck, but in my 8-9 years of playing, I've only gotten around 5 things that are ACTUALLY worth it from Gachas like the Diamond Jeweler package.

    Yet you KEEP BUYING THEM. This is your own fault.