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Husbando and Waifu Voting Contest
Altam winning in a husbando contest against Caswyn?
As an Altam lover, I was surprised too.
So heres comes the predictable Altam win :v
apply ice to burn
It is complete bullcrap if Nao won.
agreed, sure Nao is cute but she is not the most attractive waifu. personally I think Meles, Enn, Pihne, and Neamhain are far more beautiful and it will be tough deciding between those 4. Altam is a perv so of course he is trustworthy and popular
Please tell me the login screen isn't gonna be Altam with hearts all over since he won.
Any who now for the big fight for the waifu contest. Gonna have to get out the popcorn for that one.
But now it's time for the waifus!!!