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Typo in Latest Maintenance Notice

Mabinogi Rep: 1,190
Posts: 58
edited January 11, 2017 in Town Square
It says the maintenance is gonna end the "Magic Skill Booster Event" when it's really the "Music Skill Booster" event.

Doesn't really matter, just thought it was kinda funny.


  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited January 11, 2017
    Nexon makes too much mistakes with typos and misleading informations on their announcements/event infos lately. It's probably been months like that now. I'm wondering if they hired a new guy for this.
  • Dai_Mata_ReiDai_Mata_Rei
    Mabinogi Rep: 900
    Posts: 38
    wouldn't worry about it too much. they are after all human like everyone else. mistakes happen.
  • CarlizeCarlize
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,840
    Posts: 190
    @Dai_Mata_Rei Actually it can be a huge problem. I remember a couple months ago during the rerelease of the Erinn Beauty Box one of the hairs was mislabeled as M instead of F and someone dropped the hair as a result. They've put the wrong items in lists of gacha and most recently the permanent Music Booster Pack originally said that you got 25 2-hour potions when instead they were 10-minute potions, so the equivalent of 4 2-hour potions. When I submitted a ticket all they did was change it on the announcement without even giving an indication that it was originally wrong. They've made a LOT of mistakes with their posts lately, and it can easily cause mistrust amongst their customers.
  • hontoowarihontoowari
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,165
    Posts: 57

    wouldn't worry about it too much. they are after all human like everyone else. mistakes happen.
    Don't worry about it? They have been leaving out extremely important information for at least the past 7 months on every big event they've had. It's made many people angry, because the miscommunication, or no communication at all leads to time and money wasted. This is extremely unprofessional, and you wouldn't see this happen in any other company. It's not like there aren't enough translators out there, so it makes me wonder how much they are paying theirs if they are winding up with crappy translations like this.
  • BuffalosBuffalos
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,795
    Posts: 797
    It's bad practice, but I'd much rather have a silly typo in a post that says an event is ending than see a silly typo in a gacha prize list or on a new event's information page.
    @hontoowari The last translation error I recall reading in a post was labeling the bell fox prizes in the otterwater gacha as demon fox, which would probably be a more direct translation of what it was on the Korean/Japanese lists. I don't think it's that their translators are doing a crappy job, but that they might have an entirely new guy doing it who doesn't have a list of localizations made here yet.
  • SinsAndFalseAlarmsSinsAndFalseAlarms
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,820
    Posts: 39
    [The last translation error I recall reading in a post was labeling the bell fox prizes in the otterwater gacha as demon fox, which would probably be a more direct translation of what it was on the Korean/Japanese lists. I don't think it's that their translators are doing a crappy job, but that they might have an entirely new guy doing it who doesn't have a list of localizations made here yet. ]

    I remember that. People in game were talking about how cool this new item must look. Turns out it's a crappy old item that everyone has like 3 of.