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Freebie-Shop (status: CLOSED)
I'll keep waiting for the waiting list to open again ><! ♥
Queue: DANNYdani claims the slot.
Queue: NekoLily claims the slot.
♦ Contact: (Forum/Discord) Mykah#8496
♦ References: https://imgur.com/OdRpWe2
♦ Details (pose and other notes): Anything is fine for the pose ( I can't think of anything while writing this )
She has a kind and caring nature though~
Don't want to be rude, but you at least should have read this thread title fully before posting this. Thread title clearly says "FULL WL" (WL=Waiting List), which means that the artist already got a full list of people who are waiting for them to finish their commission/freebie. Whichs meeeeeansss... You are out of luck. Unless you are actually paying for your order lol.
Thanks you for the heads up~
i know this is kind of backwards but if you ever feel like posting or PMing a pic of your chara i wanna draw them :'D
@Daktaro Oh sure, I'll send refs in PMs ^^ I'm willing to pay for the arts however!
Queue: Greta claims the slot.
Look at the cutiepie you made! She's gorgeous! Would love to commission you someday
Queue: Nevine claims the slot.
Thank you!
Amazing artist, can't stop adoring your work! ^^
Congratulations on the amazing job! Every drawing is unique and adorable, I love 'em ♥
Can't wait to June for the WL to open again♥
Have a good day!
Shop update: <CLOSED>.
I have to say that I really enjoyed drawing each and every one of the characters, so thank you all for sharing and the positive feedback, it means a lot to me ^^
I'll be closing the shop for now as I have to focus on my studies, but I'll likely reopen again in the summer. Thank you, and sorry for the trouble!
lol have a nice day and stay safe! i'll be sure to come back during the summer(; [maybe... if I don't miss the grand opening]
(counting down until summer)
good luck with your studies!!! i'll be first in line for your art shop (if i don't miss it AGAIN)