Check out all of the details of this month's 17th Anniversary Update Notes, featuring the addition of Simplenogi features and more!
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What would you guys like revamped the most?


  • Member strawberrydreams
    Mabinogi Rep: 570
    Posts: 29
    honestly? i'm so satisfied with the new auction system now in place that i think i'm totally good! really,it's exactly what i personally needed to sell items and could not be happier with it!

    oh! well idk if this counts as a revamp,and they are kinda doing this already! especially with the new gacha that i love! but i would love more available clothes that are actually cute for the male character models! loving the eluned stuff!

    but also,heres the thing? why are things like,hats,bracelets,shoes,character model specific a lot of the time?
    again dunno if that counts as a revamp but would love for more things to be unisex! i mean,i bought gacha for the first time in forever and likely the last time for forever because we actually got some (m) wearable cute clothes!

    let us have more cute unisex stuff for the male character models pls! or just like! more eluned stuff!

    also! OBVIOUSLY we are in huge need of more skin tone diversity!

    also having more options or just that hair dye nx item that was available back but permanently in the cash shop this time would be very nice,not that important tho
    (little rant tho honestly... w h y would they make more hair colors available but not skintones? i mean i know it's because adding more skintones isn't as profitable but when you take into considering people actually wanting to play this game bc their skintone is represented it kinda pays for itself! or just,if they already play,make an elf,bc more characters often means more spending money if you play on more than one character!

    but like,for real! i've seen other people complain about the skin tone thing too and its really blah!

    i mean,at least it's not animal crossing new leaf bad,where your only skin tone option is literally..pale while..but yeah!
  • Member Hellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    honestly? i'm so satisfied with the new auction system now in place that i think i'm totally good! really,it's exactly what i personally needed to sell items and could not be happier with it!

    oh! well idk if this counts as a revamp,and they are kinda doing this already! especially with the new gacha that i love! but i would love more available clothes that are actually cute for the male character models! loving the eluned stuff!

    but also,heres the thing? why are things like,hats,bracelets,shoes,character model specific a lot of the time?
    again dunno if that counts as a revamp but would love for more things to be unisex! i mean,i bought gacha for the first time in forever and likely the last time for forever because we actually got some (m) wearable cute clothes!

    let us have more cute unisex stuff for the male character models pls! or just like! more eluned stuff!

    also! OBVIOUSLY we are in huge need of more skin tone diversity!

    also having more options or just that hair dye nx item that was available back but permanently in the cash shop this time would be very nice,not that important tho
    (little rant tho honestly... w h y would they make more hair colors available but not skintones? i mean i know it's because adding more skintones isn't as profitable but when you take into considering people actually wanting to play this game bc their skintone is represented it kinda pays for itself! or just,if they already play,make an elf,bc more characters often means more spending money if you play on more than one character!

    but like,for real! i've seen other people complain about the skin tone thing too and its really blah!

    i mean,at least it's not animal crossing new leaf bad,where your only skin tone option is literally..pale while..but yeah!

    I'm okay with people wanting to be traps with the eluned stuff, it's whatever but for the love of all that is holy can male outfits please have pants more often? Not everyone wants to run around as a shota and it's becoming disturbingly common that new male outfits have preschooler shorts.
  • Member Twelie
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,850
    Posts: 272
    i mean,at least it's not animal crossing new leaf bad,where your only skin tone option is literally..pale while..but yeah!

    You can get a "tan" during the summer. You can also use a Mii mask (in the welcome amiibo update your characters skintone will change while wearing it). These options aren't ideal, but they do exist. Hopefully they'll add it/ make a new ac with more welcoming options!

    I agree with everything you said though! More unisex stuff! More skintones!
  • Member AgentJean
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,775
    Posts: 222
    edited April 19, 2018

    Mixing strawberry milk by chopping on a cutting board is just weird. Plus there are other issues like ingredient hunting food items that have no use at all.
  • Member lingyao
    Mabinogi Rep: 740
    Posts: 8
  • Member Ekaterin
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,360
    Posts: 66
    KelpSoda wrote: »
    the entire game engine so it don't feel like a game from 30 years ago for starters, after that idk, don't care really this game has become REALLY hard to play the longer it goes

    You didn't actually play games 30 years ago if you think Mabi is anything like them. 1998 was the era of the NES, SEGA Master System, and for the PC, the closest you would come to Mabi is Ultima V.


    See the resemblance!
  • Member Ekaterin
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,360
    Posts: 66
    I voted Spirit Weapons because I use one (Giant, Broad Axe, for obvs reasons) and they're pretty much unchanged since the beginning. Also I want a nicer shade of blue. ^_^

    But I think Mabi could be greatly improved by reviewing and updating OLD content rather than creating NEW content.
    - Remodel and retexture the old NPC outfits
    - Add more outfits to NPC shops that people might actually want to wear
    - Update the items list on the Tara auction more often (every 6 months) and increase the number of items from 2 per day to 5-10 per day
    - Add some new Shadow and Theater missions. The only new SMs since the initial release are 3 Lords missions and MA Tournament for Theater missions.
    - Update the dungeon drop items more frequently
    - Consider updating old enchants. There are so many new enchants and most come "enabled" so there is no need to step them. And these usually outclass older, hard-to-affix enchants.

    To me, the best updates in Mabi have been various "renewals", ESPECIALLY the first Giant Renewal. I think improving the game you have is preferable to just throwing new things into it.
  • Member Nanoca
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,245
    Posts: 59
    Greta wrote: »
    KelpSoda wrote: »
    the entire game engine so it don't feel like a game from 30 years ago for starters, after that idk, don't care really this game has become REALLY hard to play the longer it goes

    30 years old game actually looked like this...


    Stop exaggerating, Mabinogi is ~14 years old (KR one) and we (NA) just had 10th anniversary.

    Agreed, one of the things I remember from back then is thinking "Wow, this looks pretty good.". People forget just how bad some games looked when Mabi came out.
    (Although occasionally playing it on an old Compaq Deskpro P3 did not help it's looks.)
  • Member YangKoete
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,185
    Posts: 266
    I'd like a visual revamp on Hairstyles too, but I'd also like some other options with character customization.
    1. I know this sounds odd, but underwear colouration. I don't want to walk around in a bright white set of bra and panties. It's a minor thing pretty much no one would see, but will make me feel a bit more comfortable and some more identity (And would be less odd when the Style tab runs out)
    2. Unlock the next row of eyes and hair from the top. Give us some new free styles please.
    3. Let us adjust some areas for our character without needing a specific diet. Pecs/bust, hips/thighs, etc. I like cooking so I can control how my character looks, but some people want flat and not-muscely pre-teens.
  • Member THICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,870
    Posts: 790
    Ekaterin wrote: »
    You didn't actually play games 30 years ago if you think Mabi is anything like them. 1998 was the era of the NES, SEGA Master System, and for the PC, the closest you would come to Mabi is Ultima V.
    based on your examples, im sure you meant to type 1988
    Ekaterin wrote: »
    I voted Spirit Weapons because I use one (Giant, Broad Axe, for obvs reasons) and they're pretty much unchanged since the beginning. Also I want a nicer shade of blue. ^_^

    But I think Mabi could be greatly improved by reviewing and updating OLD content rather than creating NEW content.
    - Remodel and retexture the old NPC outfits
    - Add more outfits to NPC shops that people might actually want to wear
    - Update the items list on the Tara auction more often (every 6 months) and increase the number of items from 2 per day to 5-10 per day
    - Add some new Shadow and Theater missions. The only new SMs since the initial release are 3 Lords missions and MA Tournament for Theater missions.
    - Update the dungeon drop items more frequently
    - Consider updating old enchants. There are so many new enchants and most come "enabled" so there is no need to step them. And these usually outclass older, hard-to-affix enchants.

    To me, the best updates in Mabi have been various "renewals", ESPECIALLY the first Giant Renewal. I think improving the game you have is preferable to just throwing new things into it.

    I totally agree with everything here. Furthermore, the Tara Auctions could be elegantly folded into the new auction house system. They would basically be like every other auction listing, except they are sold by an NPC and get a system message for advertisement.
  • Member Gaby5011
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,965
    Posts: 714
    edited April 19, 2018
    Reforges. Allow us to "lock" line(s) that we like, making double and triple line possibles.

    Ok that might be too OP.
  • Member Sheena
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,515
    Posts: 381
    Engine and Graphics

    Then adding more stuff would be nice
  • Member starkiller1286
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,790
    Posts: 127
    Lag correction would be very much appreciated, along with revamps of some older generations seeing how many complaints there were around Gens dominated with the NPC RPs.
  • Member Sphyra21
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,555
    Posts: 504
    Zeo wrote: »
    There's lot of things that need to be revamped on Mabinogi, to be honest...

    The VIP actually be better
    Drop rate for some items being tweaked to fit with the current NA population.
    Spirit weapon revamp.. seriously, they implemented the weapon erg system but nothing for the spirit weapons??
    Name change and server merge to be done in NA.
    Taming because it's basically useless and don't really do anything to be useful in the combat.
    Some sort of revamp for the elves or at least their archery so the lag won't be as much of the issue in NA server
    Make it so all color options for hair, eyes, and skintones are shared across all three races, it's silly that each race are limited to specific color options.


    I just want to be able to use elven archery like I used to, ya know like it was BEFORE the combat revamp. 1st, remove the CoolDowns on all of the archery skills except for Final Shot and Arrow Revolver (yes, yes, I know AR is a human only skill).
    2nd, remove or bloody well fix the archery aiming system, I'm tired of missin' 75 - 100% shots. Even worse is when ya miss with Vision of Ladeca activated.
    3rd, archery in general needs to revamped to accommodate the difference in our internet connections vs. KR's internet connections.
    Pretty sure I have more points to talk about, but I'm too tired to remember what all they were.
  • Member violetkitt
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 57
    Elves - Period
    Skintone (I'm sick of wearing out my pumpkin crown), Eyes, and Hair needs a better variety of color?
    Farming by Tailiteann to no longer be a V.I.P only function. Cause I severely doubt anyone is buying V.I.P/service for make it free :)

  • Member Greta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited April 22, 2018
    violetkitt wrote: »
    Elves - Period
    Skintone (I'm sick of wearing out my pumpkin crown), Eyes, and Hair needs a better variety of color?
    Farming by Tailiteann to no longer be a V.I.P only function. Cause I severely doubt anyone is buying V.I.P/service for make it free :)

    You probably don't know why they even made them V.I.P only... One word - Bots. Bots everywhere.
  • Member Elevolo
    Mabinogi Rep: 630
    Posts: 10
    edited April 22, 2018
    violetkitt wrote: »
    Farming by Tailiteann to no longer be a V.I.P only function. Cause I severely doubt anyone is buying V.I.P/service for make it free :)

    I like this idea very much.

    They could create an item, let's say a voucher issued by the Aliech Kingdom or something, that allows you to use the farms for... IDK... 8 hours?... Put that item in one of the reward chest of the most difficult dungeon... In fact, this could be used for others Pay Features as well, like the Style Tab or so... a few hours of use could be a good reward....

    Apart from this, Blacksmithing and Tailoring need "A cat's pow", because making items and selling them to NPC it's not worth it anymore... let's make crafting great again!

    Ib4 I get it... Milletian economy is powered by gacha content, but we could use crafting and life skills in a well balanced NPC market...maybe part of the commerce system....
  • Member CalmWinter
    Mabinogi Rep: 815
    Posts: 26

    Game runs like crap.
  • Member asnscorpio
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 394
    Scanning through most of the seems that the game company should really focus on maintenance of their game such as the high memory problem, skill and lag displacement(evidently seen on rafting on how bad it has been with rubber banding and being unable to cast skills).

    Pretty much the whole game needs work done in just about every aspect, but a smoother gameplay that is well maintained regardless of the flaws is what players want most. Most people leave due to the need to modify their computers to reduce the lag so it runs smoothly as well as the harassment/lack of the community as a whole.

    The report button needs to be fixed and functional as it seems we don't have any active GM's within the game....this would allow them to be more efficient and allow them to actually go over to the characters once it is reported to see what is going on. By the time the user logs into the forums and goes into support...possibly to log in again to waste more time and log a ticket.....the damage has been done and users just quit because they wait til they leave the game to do such things. .. and would rather not bother with it.

    Because there are so many things going on in the game the new players are not used to the battle flow of Mabinogi and when they enter the world seeing the video's...they think they are going to be emmersed in a game where there are people lounging around doing activities and willing to help out. Only to be introduced a ghost town. I'm not sure what could be done other than possibly having the Help Board work the opposite way so that Altruist can post their name on the board and people who need help can click and request it personally...or give beginners a few Bugles?

    Kiosks are very beneficial and needs a slight revamp so you can see the item and quantity as well as more locations to place them.

    Most of the part time jobs are fine since they get most of the skill training out of the way. The higher end players see no benefit to doing such as they already maxed out all their skills.

    Dungeons are fine themselves even before the revamp. All MMO's require quite a bit of grinding to get items and make top tier equipment. The problem is the loss and lack of the community as a whole. There are less players online running around acquiring the materials so ultimately there will be less. This results in people multi-clienting and closed guilds just so they meet the requirements and obtain what they need from the dungeon. This is frustrating for those who are more self built and dont have the community or resources to obtain such.

    Guilds are pretty pointless in my view as there really is no benefits unless you're doing housing/castle. The way the guilds are with the party/communications/etc...etc. Is the way the game should be as a whole. Without an active moderator/GM to call upon to help keep a good community has resulted in what it is now.

  • Member Someguywashere
    Mabinogi Rep: 310
    Posts: 2
    Better graphics. Game looks old