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small chest 2x2 holds 20 item spaces
med chest 2x2 holds 50 item spaces
large chest 3x3 holds 100 item spaces
and you can hold as many as you have spaces in your homestead and or in house in homestead
a kisok for your homestead this one lets you goto the housing channel and Fantasia the size of a current kiosk up to 1 mil and maybe can have a personal shop out in the world
On the other hand, indirectly Nexon has given us this already: how many free pets and bags have been given away during events in the last, say, five years?
Fixed your post since you were missing some 0's. LOL :P
Kinda doubting that but... Me being cynical aside
I'd like a chest we can put on our homestead that works like the bank in Gw2, for anyone that doesn't know it has slots that hold materials and they auto deposit to that slot when you gather them.
So lets say you build this box and you have magic craft materials selected and it can hold up to 1k of each magic craft mats. You'd be gathering crystals and it would auto deposit to your homestead box, then when you went to craft you could use them from that box as well. Needs a limit for sure though, but you could have several chests for each profession
Smith's chest: Holds ore, ingots
Tailor's chest: fabric, silk, thread etc
General storage, Smith, Tailor, Carpenter, etc.
Perhaps, but I think the root cause is most folks are hoarders.
Though I am wary if they would allow that many but having one is better than none.