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Which NPC's Should Get Artwork In-Game?
I'll start, Hector. Best place you can get your guns repaired at 98%.
Now you guys, who should finally get artwork in-game and why?
You know if I didn't specify it means whatever you want.
Yeah I agree, belvast needs more NPC in-game artwork. Seriously.
Yes, all of them.
They should also all have the standard "Start Conversation" stuff, and actually lead to the conversation diary thing.
Looking at you, Nessa, Finola, and Colm.
Ya'know, I'm still surprised they gave Shayla and Blyss NPC portraits.
If everyone could get that treatment, it'll help make Mabi feel more complete.
At the very least, all properly-named NPCs should have portraits and conversations.
And there's quite a few to be found at the Bard Camp and the Emain Macha Puppet Shop.
As well as the group of named NPCs around Cobh.
i see fire emblem heroes character/memes i upvote!!! i see you too are man of culture as well
I want more mainline games, less waifu pandering crap without extreme powercreep and pay to win. Then I'll be happy.
all npc should have a portrait
my personal preference top 3 tho would be argel (he looks cool), art (it’s sad his gf has one and he doesn’t) and shuan (he’s pretty involved in gameplay)
Why you gotta steal the npcs looks mang.
Oh I gotta choose which?
Well, I'd like to see an NPC portrait for everyone in Cobh/Belvast, I'd like to see one for Shuan, ONE FOR THE COOKIE WIZARD PLEASE.. poor guy..
I'm missing a joke or something? You are talking about Weird Cat right? Because that weird little fella surprisingly has a portrait
I think Echoes: Shadows of Valentia was a step in that direction after the Fates/Awakening dating simulation push.
Except that was a remake of a really old game so it's not anything new as it is something they just pulled from the past and dumped a ton of money into assets.