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Weekly Loc Discussion: Erinn Holiday Event
Has anyone been playing the Erinn Holiday event? What could it POSSIBLY be a reference to?? What other pop culture references have you spotted in Mabinogi?
As for the Belfast versus Belvast topic from last week, thank you so much for your input! We appreciate all of your votes and comments. We will keep it the way it is for now, because more people voted for that, but we certainly loved hearing all your thoughts on ol' Belvy!
- The Mabinogi Localization Team
@Katherz @Eralea I'm going to hazard a guess that it's the movie Roman Holiday. The crown princess of the movie who is frustrated with her duties and escapes her country's embassy is also named Ann. She also gets to explore Rome with reporter Joe Bradley. =D
pls no Belvy is perfect the way it is
Yeeeeeaaaaah, I would have nvr guessed that in a million years. Nvr heard of that movie either, then again i'm not rlly a movie person. I simply rewatch animes and crime dramas a billion times XDDD
Glad I wasn’t the only one who caught that! It’s rare, but Mabi does have old film references in it, like Romeo and Juliet being based visually off of the 1968 film.
On the topic of pop culture, I'm helping a friend with g10 right now and a vague memory just popped up. Someone in the old forums (not the ones before this, the very first ones) said that the mini plotline with Arenen, Voight and Ilsa ended with Arenen quoting the lyrics of a popular Korean pop song, but this was lost in translation in the English version. Does anyone remember anything about this?
(Ireland should change it to Belvast and be enlightened)
I actually first heard about Roman Holiday from the anime .hack//SIGN. It was part of an event riddle where Tsukasa puts their hand into the whole and pulls their sleeve out, acting like they're hand was cut off, playing a prank on his party members. If I remember right, Bear was the one who identified the riddle's reference as Roman Holiday before Tsukasa remarks that their mother liked the movie.
I miss that event XD I was hoping they'd do it again this year because it had a nice title and cute balloons. It's also been a couple years since we got it
it kinda makes me wonder if Luke and Heidi are based off anything
I remember that Frozen one. I think the original original event with Luke and Yela (Leia mashed around) was a Star Wars reference.