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Stop giving us more wigs!! please


  • lidiyalidiya
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 335
    Namiri wrote: »
    I don't know about whether or not they stopped it for a time in the past. But currently any new player creating their first character can choose any of those premium options. I know this because I've been meeting and helping out various totally brand new players in Tir Chonaill lately who had premium features. When I first met them I was surprised by the fact they had premium features since I had heard that rumor about Nexon removing premium features for newbies making their first characters. So I asked them about it and they seemed pretty confused by my question seeing as they had no idea certain features they picked were premium ones that you normally have to pay pons for. So therefore it seems newbies can indeed currently choose premium options for their first character.

    They must have put it back then, because I joined back in like 2013/start of 2014 and I was able to pick premium features for my first character, and then... Uhh I think it was last year sometime? (Might've been longer than that though, can't remember.) I helped a friend create an account and she couldn't use the premium ones on her first one, which confused me and I remember her being disappointed about it, and then she waited until they did the event where you can change your looks for free, to be able to change hers.

    Had to have been restarted then cause about a year ago i got one of my buddies to download the game, and after looking at the starting options he said forget it. He said there was only a few hairstyle options for him to choose.
  • NamiriNamiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,700
    Posts: 112
    Well perhaps Nexon realized how bad of an idea it was to limit the options for new players so greatly and put it back. Either way point is according to the newbies I've spoken to recently they did get access to premium options with their first characters.
  • SawaSawa
    Mabinogi Rep: 590
    Posts: 16
    dra011 wrote: »
    instead of wigs and beauty coupons i wish they would just give us hair we can pay for with pon again.

    this x100 D:
  • TairikuTairiku
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,910
    Posts: 74
    Gacha is bad, mkay.
  • WolfandWolfWolfandWolf
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 786
    Zeo wrote: »
    I don't mind some wigs because it's the only way male human and elves can get facial hair...

    I don't know why they removed the beard and goatee off Odran's hair and Laertes' hair via beauty coupon...

    ????? Wait, my roommate got her male human to get a goatee with pons in the dressing room. ??? This was a mere 2 weeks ago...did they already remove those options?
  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    I like my flowing girly hair wig thank you very much. >o>' But I see where you're coming from. The hair customization needs to be updated and certainly without those pesky one timer beauty coupon deals. I like my girly hair wig because I can just slap it on my head when I feel like it, but if I don't, I don't have to pay pon to take it off.
  • GypsySpiritGypsySpirit
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,340
    Posts: 270
    I personally love the Free wigs, like the Patisserie wig and Wiggling fox ear wig, it would be nice to use pons towards hair styles but I also like changing it up freely without the use of money. On that note I'm really looking forward to the new mission point event wig, it looks so adorable <3
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    Instead of updating the VIP service, they just give us more wig gachapons.

  • KouyioueKouyioue
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,030
    Posts: 443
    edited June 15, 2017
    D) None of the above.

    Get rid of coupons. The reason I haven't had the game installed in three years(and don't buy NX anymore((used to buy pons monthly))) is because everything is locked behind beauty coupons. Plus the weird ghetto segregation stripped down vip service we get
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    edited June 15, 2017
    Wig is great for people who don't have pon to change their looks. :*

    But coupons gotta go. It's no different than paying the pon for a one time deal.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    The issue with wigs are that they generally don't coincide wlel with hats.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    Greta wrote: »
    Just stop wigs and beauty coupons in my opinion. Update that god damn customization once in a while. Newbies don't even want to stay in this game just because of how bad their character looks with outdated hair, ugly eyes and mouth. When they notice how other players look by buying these beauty coupons or pons to make their characters look way better than poor newbies.

    This. 1000x this.

    And remove Pon costs, too.
  • CrittenzCrittenz
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,220
    Posts: 31
    I agree that the coupons have to go or at least be more available. I've wanted "girl hair" for forever now but I never see it for sale, ever, and even if I did I bet it would cost a small fortune. I think all the coupon features should be Pon purchasable.

    To get back on the original topic. I like the wigs. Sure some won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I can dye the wig, and if I decide I don't want that hairstyle then I can just take it off and put on another. I can even re-dye it if I decide I want a new color. So no, I wouldn't want to get rid of wigs.
  • ObsimObsim
    Mabinogi Rep: 910
    Posts: 42
    I used to be anti-wig seeing them as a useless thing.... but then lo and behold, beauty coupons came out.... omg pons were a bit harsh but the coupons the harshest.... you better like that dang hairstyle a lot... or lose it forever. Down with coupons. Pons exist for a reason.