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  • Harvest Festival Screenshot Contest


    After a hard day's work of helping people, an owl dropped me a letter informing me that someone was waiting for me back home. As soon as I came home, I found my dear loyal maid Cassimea, all dressed up in her most elegant outfit, to greet me. My humble homestead was transformed into a place of festivity, as a long table full of food was magically there, as well as smaller tables that shall not lose to the bigger table in terms of how much food they can hold.

    Cassimea asked me to close my eyes before asking this question: "What is my most important harvest this year?" I spent a few moments thinking, when suddenly, I was carried away and then placed somewhere. Upon opening my eyes, I found myself in a barrel with Cassimea smiling in front of me. "You are my most important harvest!" After wondering if I was too young for this sort of flirtatious sweetness, I remembered that I was a Milletian and I get reborn all the time. We just enjoyed a jolly good feast!

    IGN: Adeno
    Server: Nao
  • Who is the old official Mabinogi artist?

    Great job finding extra info!

    I usually do the same thing when it comes to foreign music that I don't understand but I just want to find out more about whoever composed or performed it. Lots of awesome stuff internationally that we just haven't discovered :)
  • Who is the old official Mabinogi artist?

    Maybe this will help. I found some videos for the end credits screen of G1. There are others on youtube, just search "Mabinogi credits".

    Anyway according to the video above...

    Art Director - Rooney Yi

    Character Designer - Popcorn Kang

    Costume/Monster Designer - Akane Lee

    Monster Designer - Nox Ahn

    Scenery Designer - Sindorim Jang

    Movie Designer - Ren Lee

    Web Designer - Oz Yoon

  • Elenoa New Look Box

    I like them, very cute! It's funny how the guy's "chair" or bed is a luggage and he doesn't seem happy about it :D The outfits are very nice and classy, like something from the movie "Somewhere in Time".

    The story, as I imagine it, is that the girl is a bit too possessive of her boyfriend, so she puts him in her luggage during her travels to ensure that he always stays by her side. The guy is screaming as he's coming out of the luggage in the picture because he's trying to escape.

    "I shouldn't have dated someone who enjoys sitting on top of giant bottles!" the guy yells.

    After his escape, the girl becomes lonely so she cuts off her beautiful long hair, and that's how the second hairstyle came to be.
  • Asian Music Feature Mini-Project "Dahil Sayo" MML

    Final Product:

    Figuring Out the Song:

    MML (I sure hope I'm doing it right, it's my first time sharing mml!)



    I've been giving Japanese songs a lot of love especially in the past 2 years ever since I discovered "city pop" (aside from anime music from the 80s and 90s). When I returned to the game, I've usually been making Japanese tunes for fun. This time, I thought I'd pick a different country and play their songs in Mabinogi. I chose the Philippines this time due to their beautiful "Kundiman" love songs. One of the most famous songs from their country is "Dahil Sayo", which translates to "Because of You". It became famous back in the 60s and it was translated into many languages including English, Japanese, Spanish, and Chinese. Famous singers who covered it either in English or straight Tagalog/Filipino language include Nat King Cole, The Lettermen and some others. It was fun figuring out this song haha :)

    Anyway as an extra, here's Nat King Cole's version. He really has that beautiful unique voice!
