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I do not work for Nexon, by the way.
But the point of the thread is about market. Mabi's market, in fact. I get using a comparison, but please do not derail the thread if possible, thank you.
Wow. That came out of left field. This has nothing to do with lack of consideration. Thank you for blaming me for lowbies leaving, I really appreciate it.
I am extremely aware that people are manipulating the market. The particular group in question downright pisses me off as they purposely mess with prices and ruin the game for others because they think it'll teach Nexon some sort of stupid lesson.
But the beauty of the free market is that you do NOT have to sit there and just take it! There is NOTHING the merchs have or control that is absolutely vital or necessary, and with the exception of the latest and greatest gacha outfits, an alternative is usually available. Heck, even if we forget fashionogi and go into reforges and the like, none of them are necessary. Nice to have if you wanna show how P2W you are, but NOTHING they have is necessary to playing the game or having a good time.
As for the stuff the merchs do control, patience is key. Whenever an item gets too crazy rare/expensive, there is usually a gacha to even things out after a few months. If people exercised the tiniest bit of restraint, the merchs funds would dry up and they would get bored and go harass another game. Remember when Portia outfits were anywhere from 40-80 mil a pop? Remember how a gacha came out and nuked that price down to 1 mil if that much?
That is the beauty of a free market. Don't sit there and take it. Make your own way. The same thing that lets merchs control certain items allows others to not be controlled. Advise lowbies when you see them of what to look for and who not to buy from. Advise them to always research a price before buying or selling so that they don't get scammed. (As I take the time to do, BTW.) And give them a warm welcome and maybe a few dungeon runs. THAT will keep newbies and lowbies, not blaming people on the forums for fashionogi problems.
To be quite honest both BDO and Mabi will eventually fade into non-existence and even though I put a lot of time into BDO it just got very stale very quick. It didn't feel like a commnity and felt more like a grind+grind+grind. Without being able to get items for my friends, or even have a significant market effect I quit. If mabi does one thing right that most games don't it's their market methodology.
Mabi is special in that it's entirely a free market, all players can set their prices as they see fit and buyers can buy at any price they see fit. While this does cause other issues it's not because of the market itself. The largest issue with our game is how 95% of the items anyone wants come from gachapons and that the game developers have not including any sort of gold sink to offset the amount we make through the game. Because of this gachapon buyers are able to amass 100x-10000x the amount of gold that a free player could make. These issues aren't even impossible to fix. I've discussed gold sink ideas on the old forums many a time. Combating gachapons is as easy as adding items to drop tables in game that people would want.
With how badly damaged mabi's rep is, you people should stop pretending and get real. mabi is facing some critical issues that is only ok for few vets
there are nexon emoplies i dont respect, and i can say that easily. but she seems nice. Im not gonna chew out a nice person who doesn't deserve jt. You on the other hand are like ..how should i say, a wilderbeast, i would not normally communicate under any position until now
Something like this sold for gold would act as a great sink allowing players to farm gold and achieve r1 reforge before shelling out even more gold or NX for the fines. I've also been an advocate for a permanent gold based gachapon that would cost anywhere from 500k-1m.
Second off, I didn't say "price tag ew", I said I dislike the strict pricing of the market and how you literally cannot price things, for purchase or for sale, at what you actually think the value should be based off your work, the amount available, the competition in the market, the demand, and so on and so forth. You know...FREE MARKET stuff? It's not well designed, BDO is a one-player game 80% of the time with other people doing similar things near you. You have this gigantic high horse, gatekeeping mentality that makes most sane people want to vomit whenever they hear it.
"You didn't do X or meet MY arbitrary requirements, so therefor your opinion in invalid! Oooohohohoho~" <--- That's you. With your weird gatekeeping prerequisites and your animu laugh.
Mabi's rep is most likely unable to be repaired at this point. It's been like this for years. I vote 1's or 0's whenever it asks me to do that "closed the game" survey thing. But at least it has a free market that it plans to attempt improving on. So, I've been playing since 08-09 on Mabi, am I not a vet? Do I not qualify? Oh man, is there a secret club? Do they get member jackets? Woooooow. Amazing. Having a different opinion and experience with a game means I get into clubs? Holy cow count me in!
There is no need to be name calling and insulting others. This should just be a civil discussion about the Mabi Market.
[As MissFortune had previously said, please keep this thread on topic.
There is no need to be name calling and insulting others. This should just be a civil discussion about the Mabi Market.]
I like Mabi's market, but it needs a small tweak. Otherwise it's great. Thanks Nexon, thumbs up.
Unrelated note: I wish we had forum titles like the last forums. I'd want "Forum Wilderbeast'
hey man, i don't agree, but sure .maybe when mabi becom warframe and cares about opinions besides the defenders,they'll probably listen to you
@Policrom and
blank stair*
GL with that, and meeting a real beginner whos not a vet on a alt. btw i recall a beginner who was fresh creating a thread about being mislead by a trailer from 2015. and 90% of the ''defend this with their lives'' vets attacked him but one. least to say, he never returned with a reply because he quit there. in my opinion,
a successful opinion is a opinon that can last through good and bad times. and honestly, mabi has seen a lot of bad and is getting worse(dont delude your self to that at least with people ar ebusy in rl. everyone is busy and bdo=new / wow = old still florish). if you guys wise to stick with a heavily flawed game and see its flaws as perfect, well, i realllly have nothing to say then. as i seen thiss as a disatear waiting to happen. Anyways im done here. even after leaving for a period,some community still don't get it.some of your opinions are just virusus to this games future. reminds me why i left as people here tick meh abnormally. RIP mabi future
Missed quote / Edit : @MissFourtune Oh I mistook your title as some kind of service for nexon.Sorry for the derail, im done now
@SuesofAlarms : And no, thats not butt kissing, as I have nothing to get / suck up for
Who would get to make the distinction between common and rare items? Unless something came out where "common" "rare" would appear on an item. In which case, we already have for clothing items in the dressing room.
And I don't particularly see a problem with that. If someone wants to buy those branches at 500k, why stop them?
Because those things can range in a rather violent way. And because they aren't always available, it is hard to make an average price for them.
Normal in-game items are easier to price, but it seems players are rarely putting those on sale. In the brand new server scenario the sellers would have to wait for enough gold to enter the economy, or lower their prices. In Mabi's case is just a matter of time until players get strong enough to spam SM to generate gold. The question is what will the seller do? Wait or yield?
Also as I stated earlier, if someone pays an exorbitant price for something that new price has the potential to be considered the 'normal' price when it is not.
The branches example is extreme...better this one:
Say I have a RKA and the normal price is 5M (it was in Ruari before I left) but I price it at 8M and manage to sell it. I can try that price again with the next RKA I get a hold of (because they are scarce due to the work it takes to get them). If other players see that RKA are being sold at 8M, they'll try to do the same until 8M becomes the new standard price for that item.
If a player has the gold to buy an item right away, even if it is way overpriced, good for him/her.
Problem is when sellers/buyers start thinking that is the price and WON'T price it in a more sensible way.
Some buyers want more reasonable prices? Then talk with those that buy stuff w/o looking at the costs. They are the ones who make sellers keep the exaggerated prices.
We have sellers unwilling to lower their prices, no matter how unreasonable they actually are.
We have buyers with too many gold that buy stuff
We have buyers without too many gold, but willing to use low tactics in order to make a seller lower their price, even if it is a reasonable price.
We have players willing to manipulate the market, limiting the supply of items in order to be a 'special snowflake' with a rare outfit.
it's the people who can't let it go - they think i MUST have angel wings no matter the price, i just NEED to have them. so they drop 80-120m on it o_o;;
once it happened, if people were just like "welp, who cares about angel wings any more then. imma just sit tight until the price comes back down." then the manipulator's plan would not have worked. sure that group of people might be sitting on all the angel wings stopping them from being sold but - if the rest of players just stopped caring and moved on, didn't complain and didn't give attention to the manipulators then that's where it would stop. the wings would eventually come out in gacha again too.
it's because people caved and spent so much money on the wings, just like the manipulators wanted them to and/or followed suit and hiked up the prices on their own wings to match the new inflated price.
the only way it would be solely the fault of the people trying to manipulate market is if they were buying up something and burning them all........... cuz then everyone is screwed no matter what o v o
And people usually sell things that's close to the price that other people sell..because they want to sell it.
If you overprice it....only really desperate people will buy.
If you price it a bit cheaply...you'll get sales faster, probably..but not as much profit.
"People should sell the item for whatever price they think is worth."
Mind you, I don't agree that some people use alts to try and control the market, but its a free market so.
And ANY game that tries to control the player Market is a flawed game by default, just "sayian".