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Is this Dugald Aisle drama again?
They did have a reporting function in game at one point, which I think they really need to bring back. -_-
Because if I'm gathering from them and someone runs up to me, I trash them first LOL
I group them up using Enthrall so it's easy for me to get them back, and it ruins the wannabe-griefer's satisfaction. Something like pre-emptive griefing.
I personally feel that a Report Abuse button would be highly overused, and in itself, would cause more problems then it would solve (for example, "Ill juz report u if u dnt give me 1000000000 gold!" or "stop killing my mobs, I was here first, I'm going to report you!" Neither are valid reasons to report abuse).
Sometimes we have to be the better person and stop feeding the trolls by changing channels, locations, what we are doing, go AFK, or simply logging off for the time being. It ruins their fun faster then them ruining ours, and it gives us a moment to take a deep breath and rethink on the important things in life.
Well, something normal on the drama server Mari, I assume?
Don't let it bother you too much. Just share. It's way worse when someone destroys a spider farm willfully with windmill, because that's actually something you had a hand in, even if it still doesn't have your name on it. That used to be way more common than it is now and it wasn't funny training weaving that way.
Oh yeah, all the time in Mari, the server of dramatic
a$$esmean people.