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I'm surely silly but I don't understand te tomorrow boxes thing???????????????
Hmm they made it a little too complex
When you try to open the box, you get a choice.
Either you take the reward presented before you, or you wait a day.
If you wait a day, you get better rewards.
So if you wait until day 3, you get the highest tier rewards. Or at least the best of the 3 reward RNG boxes.
And some extra stuff like a 2nd title.
I wonder if the chain blades that come from the coupons come with smithing bonuses?
If you are impatient and don't care about the title and other stuff, take the first day.
I would personally wait until the 3rd day to receive the reward.
It's pretty much open a box each day, and then choose whether you want to receive the reward now or later. The longer you wait, the better the reward.
The next day, "Use" the Box 2, but don't take the reward for Box 2 and you'll get Box 3.
"Use" and open Box 3 for good rewards.
Box 3 is the best.
"Trust the Midas Touch!"
Box 3 guarantees the title, Combat EXP potions, Fine Reforging Tool, and Complete Skill potion in addition, so it definitely seems like the best choice.
Ty @Iyasenu and @Nilrem for explaining it better
I would've missed this if I didn't coincidentally find it out. SO YAH. o3ob!
I would've just waited everyday and been like, "Do I get dah super prize nao that I waited til the last day? =w=...Noh? OAO???" Who knows though, I could be wrong and it'll just turn into a Day 2 box on it's own. *shrug* O_O *shrug shrug shrug* Idunno =n=
When you open the box, it'll tell you what you WOULD get if you decided to accept it.
You can choose to not accept, and go on to the next day's box.
The box changes into the next day's box this way.
You can only open a Tomorrow's Gift Box once per day.
If you don't open your box Today, you won't have tomorrow's box tomorrow.
to get the best reward
you need to open the box and then choose to open again tomorrow twice in 2 different day to get the last box?
then open it
dont forget to pray to RNGesusso, how many player will miss out this information, i wonder
Gacha Box : Do you want this 1st junk?
Player : No
Gacha Box : Do you want this 2nd junk then?
Player: No
Gacha Box : How about this fancy looking 3rd junk then?
Player : Oh God please no
Gacha Box : Hmm perhaps you might want to take this final junk I guess.
Player : (facepalm
No matter how they change, gachapwn happens... sadly.
I wanna feel special about this but somehow I don't.
So congrats, you don't have to wait and can feel special for 30 seconds, as the day 3 box will probably just give you garbage anyway.