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[EXTENDED] Naco Commerce Event
It was broken for a bunch of people.
Yeah i was aware, but seems like they didn't do anything about people who got extra sheep pet.
Oh, and thanks to Nexon Support for staying in contact with me with updates and such. Maybe next time don't have my ticket be juggled around by 3 GMs :P, I was starting to have my doubts of it being solved; at least the follow up ticket (initiated by a GM) was managed by only one GM which helped me find confidence in the Support System.
Oh, and gotten a glittering tree on like (my) third day of the event. So blue/green, huge, and SHINY @.@. Also gotten the backdrop, but apparently level 13 homestead is too low for it to be used. Guessing I have to hit the free-maximum in order to use it (before extensions).
Are you talking about the sparkles it puts on the grounds that you can click on?
It does that every time it's summoned.
And the effect you get is random, it's not guaranteed to be a speed boost.
It can be:
Small/Full HP Heal (or wounds)
Small/Full Stamina Heal
Small/Full Mana Heal
Minor/Major Movement Speed Boost for a few seconds (like 10% for minor, 30% for major)
Bless an item
Drop a small amount of gold
Give a small amount of EXP
Or nothing happens.
Gotta click on the sparkles before they disappear, though.
Any party member can click on the sparkles, but only one person can click on them. (unless there's some delay somehow)
Also, the first time any Sheeptuplet is sheared for the day, it's guaranteed to be a Huge Lucky Bonus.
thank for the information
I never bought or get this pet before, so i was on the dark
Wish it was like that per person for sheering anyways. That explains how people get so much thick thread for weaving/tailoring.
Are you sure you are using any weapon? If yes, make sure it's not broken (0 durability).