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New Hairs and Faces in dressing room
After this week's update, new hairs and faces, such as the dual eye color faces, have appeared in dressing room.
So have fun with those existing soon.
Any of them you are after?
I'm after Dark Fairy eyes myself. AKA Demon eyes.
they need to stop calling stuff pompadour when it's not a pompadour...and please no more man buns :c
And I'm sad they didn't add Expert Assassin Hair, maybe next time I guess :'c
I can always dream that the drops won't be terrible and I can actually get Long Wavy Ponytail coupon without having to spend 60m+ on it..
Ready for my Sailor Moon cosplay
I do like the one male hair with the bun on top though, I think it was something called the summer vacation? I forgot, lol.
That being said.. I do hope we get a sort of eye dye like what KR Mabinogi have as well.
/puts on Odd Kitty Head.
Look, one of the eyes is even flashy.
But seriously, I'm not interested in RNG eyes of any kind.
Why am I not seeing this hair in dressing room? Korea got it when they got their 4th beauty gacha. Are they going to be released separately in terrible gacha like they did before with mysterious girl's hair coupon?
I would kill for that hair omg it's so nice! it's called "Medium Stylish Hair" I believe from what I read. I would be after the Elven Hair and High Tail Outta Hair too simply cause they look nice.
What are you talking about? You can save your hair style using the Hairstyle Storage Coupon in the cash shop. Yeah it's 6 bucks but at least you don't have to lose a hairstyle forever anymore.
(They really need to lower the price of that coupon by half at least, jesus).
Isnt the coupon 1 time use? When you change looks every week, thats not really a realistic option.
Yes, well... Maplestory was used as an example in suggesting a save face feature. (Best model for the NA Cash Shop)
However, Nexon KR seems to have just been told about the community request to save faces, and made a marketing choice that only works best for KR. (As per usual)
It would be nice if the dressing room had two free save files for saving the entire body options, while up to five more slots can be purchased.
Unfortunately, Nexon KR has also greatly forgotten that the NA community both loves and prefers the Pons System, turning it obsolete and ugly.