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Where are the personal personal profile pictures??
Its been a few years since I joined the forums why doesn't this version have custom avatar icons is nexon understaffed to moderate it or code it?
Yes I tried to use forums search engine but its garbage so IF someone already asked this I couldn't find it
Well if that is the case it would make sense why they don't have them now since its been awhile since 3.0 forums were made
Seriously...? Why make a promise then?
really? If that is true its pretty sad and even funnier if its a promise thats older than a year
It was something the old CM mentioned before the community decided to hold a massive witch hunt and make her leave forever.
No it's moderated like hell. I've posted topics that already exist and they will merge it with the existing thread. Even though there is no official response, despite an employee seeing it.
Moderators aren't employees. I don't think there are any actual employees that look at the forums any more.
Well butter my biscuits my assumption was correct, I do hope you don't mean years by lots of time