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Commissioning Art? Stuck on another server?
Server: Alexina
Artist IGN: Ralliegh
Artist's Server: Ruiari
Amount: 1.7m
Trade to: Ralliegh
It might be easier to mail me the check nowadays ;v;.. im usually not home till late
however if you still want to meet up for check just message on discord or ingame
Server: Mari
Artist IGN: Olivia64
Artist's Server: Tarlach
Amount: 4.1mil
Trade to: Olivia64
Feel free to PM me, Nyaa on Alexina, if you need my attention, since I'm not usually on Mari. Thanks as always!
Server: Mari
Artist IGN: paopun
Artist Server Ruairi
Amount: 800k
Trade to: paopun
Server: Mari
Artist IGN: blkkitty
Artist's Server: Tarlach
Amount: 5mil
Trade to: blkkitty
Accepted! Note or Add Hinata584 on Tarlach when you're available for transfer.
Server: Mari
Artist IGN: blkkitty
Artist's Server: Tarlach
Amount: 5mil
Trade to: blkkitty</blockquote>
Hi! I accept tell me when! I am available tomorrow the whole day.
Check received! Paid to blkkitty!
Hi. Just a heads up, next time please don't wait till your commission to be completed to ask us for a request of 5m. It's better to confirm with us first for such a large request. We don't always have 5m readily available.
I'm not gonna be commissioning anyone..but I do need a gold exchange. Is that also available here? Like I have Ruairi gold and I want to exchange it for Mari gold ; - ;
*salutes* ^^)\
Edit: Artist has received the check~
Server: Mari
Artist IGN: Gwyndolyn
Artist Server: Ruairi
Amount: 2 mil
trade to: Gwyndolyn
I need to pay her by the 29th or she's taking me off her reserved slot. I'll be on a lot this weekend