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Asymmetry everywhere!
Too many HS items already, my pond doesn't fitz.
IIRC level 14 hs is 49x49 so 2401 tiles
Lv3 Expansion is 67x67 or 4489
Close to twice as much space
Dang bruh! You need to add me! >;O
But yeah sure, I'll add you.
elfmasterracebtwI don't know why we can't just make 1x1 fence portions for our homestead.
This is off center and it bothers me because I could fit an extra few herbs in if I didn't need to positions weird due to fence sizes.
I can confirm this. can also confirm you'll get so muh extra space that you won't know what to do with it xD I mean, my hs was prety cramped and now I got more space then I need xD
Minus the 7 blocks all around my walls that used to be for trees.
It's aggravating not being able to neatly fit arches or something at the bridge's ends.
That is, if you can even move through my HS.
Yeah... I hate the fences cause it's not equal unless I make it bigger or smaller
All the recent event homestead fences are 1x1, so why not the regular fences
So glad I chose the log fence instead lol
I only like non symmetry when it needs to be but symmetry should be standard