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[FIXED] Inventory plus bag bugs

Mabinogi Rep: 850
Posts: 44
edited July 13, 2018 in Archived Bugs
Me and two other friends are having problems with bags,roughly a half hour after launching the game every open bag will close and some will lock saying "Inventory plus kit is required",reloging fixes it,but this is not a long term solution. This only started after the 21'st update

Repost from technical support,not sure where it goes properly,sorry.


  • LordCephiedLordCephied
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Post: 1
    i have this issue too , but a lot of people on my friends list don't, just curious do you have the g21 bag?
  • FOXAssassinFOXAssassin
    Mabinogi Rep: 850
    Posts: 44
    No. Gotten the cupon,but I haven't used it. Neither have either of my friends having this problem. To be honest,it's getting to be game breaking.

    After a half hour I loose access to most of my bags and any bank tab that is not my own. Doing any lengthy...Anything is impossible,needing to relog every 30 minutes.

    Considering the alchemy bag is one that locks,and if it's anything like how the VIP inventory works. If that locks in a dungeon,no alchemy crystals. I haven't been able to set up a personal shop,because it closes the shop (the 11x11 lorna shop bag is one).
  • XxSWxXXxSWxX
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,215
    Posts: 16
    Same issue for me and my brother
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    What channel are you guys on when the bug happens? I noticed if I'm on Channel 4 of Mari, I get the bug but no one else I know gets it (unless they're on Channel 4) and when I switched to Channel 2, I didn't get it. I don't get it either while on Channel 1.
  • KatherzKatherz
    Mabinogi Rep: 21,650
    Posts: 1,593
    This was already forwarded. For those who submitted tickets, please be sure to answer to the best of your abilities the questions our CS team asks so we can find out the cause of the issue. Thank you!
  • KatherzKatherz
    Mabinogi Rep: 21,650
    Posts: 1,593