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Mabinogi has been my second home.
Makes my heart feel warm!
Once a Milletian, ALWAYS A MILLETIAN!!!
In many ways we all have similar stories about how we chanced upon Mabinogi and journies thereafter. I think at the time I was downloading Maplestory to see what the big deal was about. Loaded it up and instantly decided this game was hot garbage. Uninstalled it, decided to try out Audition, uninstalled that too. Then I saw Mabinogi. Downloaded and installed it. Booted it up and went to create a character. I thought it was pretty cute and the music was catchy. Met with Nao before she transported me to Erinn to start my new life.
I found the game enchanting and have been playing ever since.
Friends come and go, new and old, guilds as well. But I still log in almost everyday. Honestly I don't know why anymore. But I guess this is my online home too.
Now if only I could enter my homestead house! >:O
Mabi's a nice place, I'll agree. It's one of the only games online that actually made me put down Maplestory which I have to say, I've felt like I've had some sort of obligation to play (prolly due to the money I've dropped on it) despite that it's literally as Gaea said: "Hot Garbage"
Though these days it feels to be, while not entirely dead, somewhat empty and lacking on things to do. I'll have to admit, I planned to train a lot during this event, and I found myself straying over to Final Fantasy again :V Whoops
I guess I'll swing by more when there's more story content... or... something
Will I play Maplestory 2? I will login to register my ign, fuss with some character creation, and log off. Yep.
Also I want to go on and say that there are very few games out there that allow you to switch your character to whatever archetype class at will. That is a core aspect of Mabinogi that is unique and keeps players coming back. Mabinogi has always been a game where you can master everything on ONE character. This allows you to collaborate a strategic build for whatever is needed wherever it is needed. That is why Mabinogi is awesome.
As for MS2 phasing out MS1, that's not gonna happen. Didn't happen in Korea. MS2 is dead, MS1 is unfortunately still kicking
And yeah, the one character, able to do everything (minus a few race limited skills) is pretty much the best thing about Mabi. I wish more games were like this, but I've only found Mabi and FFXIV thus far.
I wish I had my old screenshots. The ones of my old guild sitting in a circle around Shenon way back when we had to wait for the boat and we all tried to time out ice bolt perfectly so that they wouldn't overlap as they floated around us. I honestly can't even remember the names of most of those guild members, or even the guild's name. But I remember that the guild stone was sitting west of the Moon Gate. Or the horde of screenshots I tried to make into "comics" by adding captions. Those ones would be the most difficult to look at, both because of the bad reference comedy I used to try half a decade ago, and because my second guild helped put most of them together. The only person I ever married in Mabinogi came from that second guild, and that girl I became close with in real life. I got lucky and she was merely 30 minutes away from me, and our relationship lasted nearly five years before she died in a car accident. I remember her lauding the gingerbread cooking truck pet and her shunning me for an hour when I said I wanted it. She had already quit the game at that point.
I'm still in my third guild. It expired a year ago and of the two and a half dozen people still in it, not including myself, two logged in 5 weeks ago, and one logged in three weeks ago. Everyone else is 15+. Even though I have virtually no ties to the guild, since I joined because of one person, I refuse to leave it. I still have that one person on my friend's list, and their one of the two people I could contact outside the game. I have his email, though I don't know if he'd respond. He's the one that tried to teach me to read sheet music. I bet I could find his old youtube, as I'm in several of his videos. The other person I have added on Steam and they're almost always playing whatever the hot anime game of the week is (Tales, Neptunia, etc.). I haven't spoken with them in a long time, though. Maybe some Dungeon Fighter would spark some conversation with them.
Of the rest of my friend's list, I only remember two of the other names. All the others I have no recollection of who they are or why I added them. But those other two, one who was active for a long time and one who stopped conversing with anyone when homesteading was introduced, but was always active. I never wanted to remove him because his homestead is public and has dozens of every kind of herb and a full spread of crafting equipment. One was from the second guild. He was semi-unfocused in his skills like me, but every single one of his items, from his shoes to his spirit LLB to his gladius and shield they were powder pink with a white trim. Never the other way around. He helped me fight Claimh Solas.
And those are just the people. The stories of dungeons I remember, of the time I gave away hordes of neatly colored items, the stories I have of 10k dye amps being haggled over, my rage during certain forced solo generation quests, the fact that I have several thousand song scores ripped from an archive of the old version of Mabi Beats. Freakin' a, I learned to draw by tracing Mabi screenshots. My musical tastes were shaped by the game's soundtrack.
Who left these onions here?As for MapleStory.. that's got to be my 4th home or something. I enjoy it. c:
I got into mabi through one of my cousins. We were probably like 10 or 11 at the time, and he would show me youtube videos all the time, and insisted that I download the game. My family computer was never good enough to run mabi, something about it's 3d rendering wouldn't work right with that old dinosaur. Eventually, I brought it up with my grandma, and it turns out that she had the game downloaded on her computer because it looked like something I would like to play. That's where my addiction, and second home, began.
Everyday after school, I would go visit my grandma, and play mabi. I remember when I hit total level 100 and absolutely freaked out. My first pet was the white ostrich, I remember going to a Wallgreens and paying for a 10k Nexon Cash card in mostly quarters, earned through mowing my grandma's lawn. I would run a taxi service between Dunbarton and Tir for people who didn't want to wait for the moon gate to open up. It was this way that I made a lot of my old friends. Looking back, I was never that op, I was always wearing clothes that Simon sold, and bears still scared the crap out of me. Good times.
Skip forward a to around G9, and my grandmother's computer broke. I entered a forced hiatus from mabi for about three years, and in the process all of my old friends quit. I remember opening up mabi's homepage from time to time on a library computer just to check what new generation quests or skill sets had come out. I would go to my cousin's house from time to time and we would stay up until dawn just playing mabi. When commercing came out, we spammed it for probably a good 24 hours. It was fantastic.
Eventually, I got my first laptop. This happened when I was roughly 16, and I was overjoyed. I could finally play whenever I wanted! I started making friends left and right, and I ended up joining my first guild, Dualshock. I started finally training and doing my generation quests. Soon enough, Dualshock disbanded, and I joined the guild that would make me see mabi as a second home, and introduce me to my best friends, Ruby. Ruby ended up breaking up after a few months of me joining, but those few months were probably the most fun I've had in mabi. I've yet to find a guild that has a guild chat that active. It was ridiculous.
Now that I'm in college, I can't play as much as I would like to, but I still hop on almost every week. I just got the Vates talent title, a goal of mine that I wanted ever since I picked up alchemy back when I was just 16. I'm still in contact with a lot of really good friends, but sometimes I get sad when I look at all the friends I have that have been offline for over a year. I hope that they're enjoying their lives, and while I know the chances of ever talking to them again are slim, I hope it somehow happens someday. Mabi has always been my favorite video game, and probably will remain my favorite until the day the servers go down.
Maple got sum good lore. :P
I had originally made a character on the Mari server, loved the game to bits and pieces, but ended up taking a break for a month or two. When I came back around G1 I joined the Tarlach server and have been insanely addicted ever since!
Back then you had to pay for service to be able to do the storyline, so since I was buying the service I thought I might as well make a guild too, and it'll give me a fancy gold crown next to my name too! So I did this pretty lightheartedly, not knowing how much my guild would become in the future. Nowadays, my guildies are my family and this game is my home. It is my life away from the real world. It's my "Fantasy Life." :'D