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Who would be interested in a role playing guild?
But different flavors is nice, too.
What do you mean by this? A community of role-players not just from Mabinogi?
I see. Years back, a friend once explained how they would RP in WoW and it was kind of similar to what you said.
I feel like it'd be best to actually witness the action, but I have not seen any role-play guilds in action during any of my travels in Erinn.
It's that other part of the post I quoted that still leaves me confused now. ô_ô
I did play Mabi before but never got very far. I just made a character, he is 13 years old. Not sure if you'd allow that.
OOC: Guess my best memories comes from years of dark side meetings, 20 faces dice and my first cup of chocolate brandy coffee... please enlight me, this idea is still alive? Because curiosity is killing me/us