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So I'm posting this for one friends:
So i have been trying to get the tank title for past 2 weeks and i couldn't get it. I've also asked in discord and tried everything i've been told and nothing worked.
So far what i've tried was: getting hit by splash, windmill, aoe magic, stomp, attacking a mob while it attacked someone else(mob hits me) and none of that worked for me.
Tried it in shadow missions(lancer splash), tried it in barri dg with ogers, ciar golem.
My friend also specifically rebirthed into a mage and was charging a skill and that didn't help either.
So what am i missing? What am i suppose to do to get the tank title?
It's the last thing i need for event tech quest and i do really really want to get vital surge, since it's a really good skill.
Part of the requirement is that the attack has to knock you out.
I've found it easiest to use divine link against the boss of Sidhe. Let it launch explosions at your pet, and die from one of them. Make sure it's aggroing the pet and not you.
Here is a video that kinda represents my trials, but i couldn't get a better recording.
Sadly the video trying to use new taunt didn't work out.
So again what am i doing wrong?
Edit: Decided to post the bugged out video anyway.
I literally got it few years ago by doing Tara Shadow Mission. Shadow Fighter was targeting my husband with Smash (i think?) and i just rushed in to attack him and got killed by the splash damage. And bam, here it was: The Tank title.
Watch the video...
I'm pretty sure the boss switched aggro just before knocking him out... But i can't tell because his video lagged exactly at that part so RIP.
P.S: Thanks for telling me to watch this video by the way. Time to flag this post for profanity in the video lol.
Also with the taunt skill, it's impossible for the boss to switch aggro.
Wow you don't have any friends, do you?
There the video is fixed.
Also like many before me has said, i tried it, probably died over 100 times when someone else was targeted. If you would have read the 1st post, you'd actually know that.
The two exclamation marks above the boss indicate that, yes, the boss recognized you. In both of the videos the boss has aggro on you before you die. You have to make sure the boss never notices you before death.
I would stay away from taunt/tenacious taunt as a whole in trying to get the tank title, because the way that they interact with monster aggro can be very unpredictable. I'd also be careful of being in Deadly status before you die, because that similarly can act weird when combined with knock-outs.
I'm not sure that Girg would work for this title, but I'd imagine getting hit with his swing would be a lot easier, especially because Girg doesn't seem to aggro onto everyone. Alternatively Giant Sandworms or other strong field bosses might be a good bet.
Thanks for the actually helpful input
Shouldn't Crisis Escape basically do just that? Usually when I use crisis escape, after I get out of it, the mobs get the exclamation marks again (so their state of noticing you should disappear).
Because he used crisis a few times to get rid of the aggro as well, and still didn't work.
As for the no deadly tip, he was usually in deadly only the first time, after which he had 5 hp (iirc) because of phoenix feather res. The videos only show a couple of tries, but we've been at it for a loooooooong time xD
Thing is, I can't remember how I got it, because I got it like 6 years ago
Video will be done processing soon
Edit: This is becoming extremely frustrating, not just for me but for ppl helping me, cus it just doesn't work no matter what we do.
Wow that's actually something we haven't tried yet
Thanks a lot! We'll try it and tell you how it went
On the other hand i did get a reply from support that it might be a bug and they are looking into it. I do however know it's not completely bugged, since ppl did get it in past few days and i tried replicating what they did and it didn't work.
They updated that info when G22 came out so I'm sure that's reliable information. Attach the link here:https://mabinogi.nexon.com/page/intro/guide_view.asp?id=4886966
Also, make sure you die from 1:1 skill such as a counter, avoid windmill or any other range skills.
To save your time, without having to find a strong monster, I would just have a battle with a friend to lower HP near to deadly, then just get killed by a wolf or something.
I haven't gotten the title yet, so I would gladly try with you if you are in Alexina. ^q^
So we did try instinctive reaction attack from ogre warriors, but never in a 3 man party, so we have to try that.