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Did you all manage to get your desired names?
I never moved to a different server but after 2017 Tarlach really turned into a ghost town and I started playing Elder Scrolls Online a lot more than Mabinogi. I would only log on for new story content, do minimal effort for event rewards, and that was it. There was no one to talk to or run things with. Now that we're actually on an active server, I can rebuild my guild and make new friends again. There may not be a lot of actual new players, but there's people I've never met before and a lot of people that have never met me.
So I agree that a lot of people would have completely abandoned dead servers. My guild and I did it. A few guildies moved to Alexina, a few others just quit gaming, a few others started playing Warframe, Final Fantasy, etc. other games instead. There's no point to playing a MMO game if there aren't other people to interact with. I prefer having the market issues we have now rather than have no one around to do things with.
I also had plans to move the bulk of what was left of my guild over to Peria Chronicles when that gets released because that was the only game the majority of us could agree that we all wanted to play together. But now that there's actually new people to meet, we can keep Mabinogi as our main game.
Yeah, she's well over 1000, she had nothing on the list (we checked like 50 times), of course she had a "+server" added, and then Nexon replied to her ticket with "no idea what's happening, but for the mo you're out of luck, sorry."
The kicker? Once the servers came on today, her name was fixed, as were all others. So WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIRD, but oil's well that oinds well, I guess.
There were enough people to do Hasidim raids on Tarlach.
That's enough in my opinion.
*plays Cheers's theme song*
Shouldn't have gone for seal breaker stone then. Now you can proudly show your regret on the seal stone.
Uh.. where exactly though?
If people can see who changed their name, I'm sure some people on the game would be butthurt and turn to harass others for 'stealing their name'.
I think he means that you can see all of YOUR changed names, and yours only, by going to the shop and guild pages.
Ahh, that makes more sense. Thanks
Bizarre. I had my wife check, and she still has all of her past notes. Granted, she just changed her name back to what it was before she got +'d. Though, I don't think her notes disappeared even when she had the +Mari...
I can live my life in peace now.
I changed my name back to what it was before it got +'d.
Well that's broken.
Well.. I'm kinda worried now.. game machine broke?
I wonder who gets the mail? XD
Wait two characters on the exact same server has the exact same name?
Ippi lppi
EDIT: If you test the text in game, the l is longer than I. This means the one on the right is the fake.