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Can't Find Name Change Coupon
I looked in the item shop and I could not find it. Any ideas on how to narrow down the search, where else I should look, or what I might be doing wrong?
I already checked the information page on the Mabi World Wiki, and followed the prerequisites. Ideally I'd like to submit my name change request before the upcoming maintenance.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!
actually i find that weird completely since my character was never affected by +server from when the merge happened i was able to change one of my characters names who was not in the server merge at all (shes in alexnia server) yet i cannot even change another characters name in the same account what it has listed as to what to be sure you are not involved in to change the name and she has those requirements but still cannot change the name
You essentially got a coupon for every character that got a server tag, but the "coupon" didn't have to be used on that specific character. So if you had 2 characters that got +Server tagged, then you were allowed to change the name of any two characters on your account. After that, your name change coupons were used up.
I'm guessing that's what happened to you? Sorry, a bit hard to figure out what you mean with your message.
This is likely it. They used their free coupon on another character, and have no more coupons for the affected character.
huh so it was only just 1?? okie dokie then
thats the funny part also since i wasnt present during that time both of my characters that are in the Nao server were not +server tagged at all from the aftermath