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[KR] [Shop] Karazak's Adventure Box Renewal Guide

Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
Posts: 1,704
edited October 30, 2019 in Content from Other Regions
News Page

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Good morning.
Mabinogi GM Fionla. Captain Karazek, who returned to the wounded state, fought a fierce battle? Find out what new treasures are. * Sales Period: After inspection on Thursday, October 31, 2019 ~ Always ================================= ================================================== ===== @ Karazek's Adventure Box In Karazek's Adventure Box, Special Gladiator Armor (for men and women), Gladiator Wings, Gladiator Appearance Scroll, Special Gold Keeper Second Title Coupon, Ancient Emperor's Chair, Kara You can find one of the items in the game, including the Jet Bag (10X16) voucher. Items acquired using Karazak's Adventure Chest are stored in the "Point Inventory" above. [Note] * Karazak's adventure box can not be traded. * Items acquired using Karazak's Adventure Chest are stored in "Point Inventory". (Up to 600 points can be stored in the inventory, and items acquired after 600 will be stored in the temporary inventory, so be sure to organize and use [Point Inventory]. )

* Some items acquired using Karazak's Adventure Chest have a border around them.
-If you sell some items in the store, you can get the amount of experience or exploration experience bonus that is set. (Specialized items can not be sold.) -If you give some elements to the element, you can get 1 Elemental EXP . However, if you use it just before leveling up or you are at the upper limit of your weekly experience, you may not get 10,000 experience. (Classic Spirit does not get that, jwodo items Jinn experience) * Special Gladiator Armor (M / women) to wear this particular motion is triggered. * Ancient Emperor chairs, chairs gladiator is resting skill can not be used if there is no. * If you use the Guardian's Soulstone to be resurrected, you can resurrect immediately and withstand enemy attacks for 10 seconds. (Other item specifications are the same as Nao's Soulstone.)
* The Beltane Elite Pass Select box allows you to select one of 6 Beltane Missions.
* Gladiator Shield / Hammer / One Handed / Two Handed / Lance Appearances can be used on items other than Classic Spirits and some weapons . [FAQ] Tell us more about appearance changes, such as a weapon appearance order.
