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Oh wow, look what I found
I didn't know they did a promotional physical DVD release of the Lorna & Pan series.
To this day, I still really like the Lorna & Pan series.
It was one of the things that got me interested in playing Mabi to begin with.
Yeah, it's what got me into the game as well. I think it was a part of G1 release promotion and came with 7 day premium service.
Do you remember what restaurant it was? I rarely ever see products for Korean games sold (at least where I am), so this is intriguing.
Wow, so these are the specs required just to play a DVD...
Man, I do not fancy being alive in the early 2000s.
I assume it was one of the popular ones in Korea at the time like Bennigans or Sizzler. It was so long ago it's hard to say.
Those were the specs required to play the game. I know, I was surprised too.
Makes me wonder how much the specs are going to bump up soon.