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[Announcement] Limited Cash Shop Availability
Hello Milletians,
Due to some newly discovered issues with the cash shop, we have disabled the following categories in the cash shop:
- Character Cards
- Pet Cards
- Pet Packages
- Mini Pets
- Services
This means that you cannot buy any items that would normally be found in those listed categories. For the time being, we ask that you remain patient as we work to correct this issue as soon as possible. When we have an update, we will update this announcement.
Thank you again for your understanding in this matter.
-The Mabinogi Team
Of course I still hope that it can be fixed up, it's just watching from the sidelines is fun
It wasn't gone for months.
And anyway, I blame the cloud.
What world do you live in were 3-5 days is months?
The issues found have been resolved and all categories are now available for purchase in the shop.
Thank you for your patience