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That's probably the total amount I've opened this entire event, I really stopped counting the hours I've spent no lifeing just for an XO event.
Yup, same. I'm too tired of this event already. I probably gonna avoid afking for hours in Mabinogi for now.
Lucky, I ain't got 15m+ on hand so I'm screwed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I spent at least 20 hrs (no joke) on this horrible event, I opened over 500 boxes on this horrible event, and here I am with nothing to show for the wasted effort. Everyone one of my friends except maybe two got one. Hell even a handful of people got 2-3 bags.
At this point most people who wanted the bag have it, and thus it should have been a freaking determined drop. Could have at least given it to those who spent over 3k tickets. These RNG events are ruining Mabi.
Same issue here.
I pretty much participated every hour on a daily basis since the event begun and didnt get the bag.
Events are supposed to be fun and rewarding for those that participate but it just felt like a chore with no end - and i still didnt get the bag.
so it wasnt fun AND wasnt rewarding at all? what kind of an event is this?
(not to mention most of the other rewards were terrible - with the exception of the seals)
Not only Overwatch has it... I seen plenty of games having this system you mentioned.