Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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My Little Pet - Patch Notes - June 18th

Mabinogi Rep: 3,640
Posts: 220
edited August 5, 2020 in Vault
Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the My Little Pet update!


The following Events, Sales, and Promotions are running:
  • Sunflower Event: Thursday, June 4th, After Maintenance - Thursday, June 25th, Before Maintenance
  • Eluned Magical Blitz Box: Thursday, June 4th, After Maintenance - Thursday, June 25th, Before Maintenance
  • Dragon Boat Race Returns: Thursday, June 4th, After Maintenance - Thursday, June 25th, Before Maintenance
  • Pet Expedition Event: Thursday, June 18th, After Maintenance - Thursday, July 2nd, Before Maintenance
  • Point Attendance Event: Thursday, June 18th, After Maintenance - Thursday, July 16th, Before Maintenance
  • Crow Feather Box: Thursday, June 18th, After Maintenance - Thursday, July 16th, Before Maintenance

New Updates:
  • The My Little Pet update is now live! Assemble your pets together and send them out to scour the vast lands of Erinn to bring back treasures and rewards! Afterwards, pamper your pets by giving them a place to rest those tired paws. Check out the website for more information.
  • Pet Types: All pets in the game now have a Pet Type, which helps classify what kind of pet they are and which missions they're suitable for. The Pet Types are as follows:
    • Creature: This determines if the pet is Organic or Inorganic, living or an inanimate object. It's the distinction between a Cat or a Scooter.
    • Size: This determines how big the pet is and comes in Small, Medium, and Large.
    • Flying: This determines if the pet is able to soar through the air or not, and classifies pet as Flying or Terrestrial (land-bound).
    • Appearance: Finally, appearance classifies the pet based on the family of pets it belongs to, whether it's a Cat, or a Deer, or a Scooter, or a Fairy, so on and so forth. This is the most varied category of the four because of all the different appearance types.
  • Pet Expedition Bulletin Board: After reaching Homestead level 4, you'll be able to complete the quest Thrilling Pet Expedition! While doing this quest, you'll obtain a new Homestead installation called the Pet Expedition Bulletin Board, which will act as your base of operations when sending out your pets on these new adventures.
    • When you interact with the Pet Expedition Bulletin Board, you'll be assigned up to 4 random expeditions that your pets can partake in for the day.
    • As your cumulative level increases, a wider range of missions will be available to be assigned to you.
    • 1 of the 4 daily expeditions assigned to you will be Today's Expedition, which will have a greater chance of providing better rewards! It'll be identified with a blue flag symbol on the mission select list.
    • There's a small chance of receiving a Special Expedition as well. These have even better rewards. It'll be identified with a red flag symbol on the mission select list. You won't always get a special expedition like you will Today's Expedition.
    • If you obtain an Expeditionary Venture Contract, you can immediately add the expedition associated with that contract to your list of available expeditions.
      • Cumulative level requirements still apply in order to use the contract.
      • You may use up to 1 Expeditionary Venture Contract per day.
      • Expeditionary Venture Contracts expire after 12 hours.
      • Check the Pet Adventurer Guide to see where you can obtain specific contracts from.
    • The expedition list resets at 7:00 AM PDT every day.
  • Pet Expeditions: After successfully completing a Pet Expedition, your pets will return scurrying back with treasures held high above their heads! Rewards include character EXP, exploration EXP, pet EXP, gold, and sometimes even items!
    • Start by picking which pets you want to send on the expedition from the Pet Expedition Bulletin Board. Different missions favor different pet types, so by selecting which pets you're going to deploy carefully, you can greatly improve your odds of a Big Lucky Bonus reward!
      • A Big Lucky Bonus improves the reward at the end of a pet expedition. You can improve your odds of getting a Big Lucky Bonus by picking the right pet types for a given mission or by completing Today's Expedition which has an increased chance of it.
    • Be mindful that different missions will require certain pet levels in order for your pets to undertake them! Only eligible pets will be displayed on the list of pets to pick from.
    • The number of pets that you pick, their pet types, and their cumulative stats will all affect your odds of success.
    • You can track the progress of the expedition in real time from the Pet Expedition Bulletin Board.
    • Pets that are currently on an expedition become unavailable until either their mission is complete or cancelled.
    • You can cancel the mission partway through but doing so will give no reward and clear that mission from the list of available expeditions for the day.
  • Pet Fatigue: Your pets are working hard and as such, will inevitably be too tired to keep up!
    • Once you complete a mission, the pets that were on the mission will gain 1 Fatigue. A pet that has 3 Fatigue will not be able to partake in addition expeditions.
    • If a pet expedition is cancelled partway through, the pets assigned to that mission do not gain Fatigue.
    • Pets can fully recover their Fatigue by resting in a Homestead-installed Pet House.
    • All pets will have their Fatigue fully reset additionally every Saturday at 12:00 PM PDT.
  • Pet Houses: After a long day of hard work, there's no better way for your pets to relieve all that Fatigue than to relax in one of the many new Pet Houses available to install in your Homestead!
    • Pet Houses come in 5 types, each with multiple levels that you can upgrade. You can only have 1 of each Pet House type installed on your Homestead.
      • This means Cloud Cushion Stage 1 and Cloud Cushion Stage 2 cannot both be on your Homestead at the same time.
      • However Cloud Cushion Stage 1, Cat Tower Stage 2, and Stable Stage 3 can all be on your Homestead simultaneously.
    • Pet House types include the following:
      • Cloud Cushion: For Small pet types. Can be upgraded up to Stage 4.
      • Cat Tower: For Small, Terrestrial, and Cat pet types. Can be upgraded up to Stage 4.
      • Medium Pet Pasture: For Medium pet types. Can be upgraded up to Stage 4.
      • Stable: For Medium and Horse pet types. Can be upgraded up to Stage 4.
      • Large Pet Pasture: For Large pet types. Can be upgraded up to Stage 2.
    • Pet Houses require multiple materials including a blueprint in order to install or upgrade. Check the Pet Adventurer Guide to see where the materials can be obtained from.
    • Once you install the Pet House, click on the sparkling spot in order to bring up a list of pets that can rest there.
    • While resting at the Pet House, your pet will graciously provide stat buffs to you, the Milletian!
    • After fully resting at the Pet House, your pet's Fatigue will be gone, and the stat bonuses they were providing will also go away. You can always let your pet rest longer if you want the bonuses to stay!
    • You can check on your pet's rest progress by clicking on the Pet House. You can also cancel the resting period, though by doing so your pet's Fatigue will not decrease.
  • Homestead UI: You can now check up on your pets and their activities from outside of the Homestead, as well as see the cumulative bonuses that your Homestead provides along with a breakdown of what provides which bonus. You can additionally see other information like Research Tasks and Crop Harvesting.
    • You can access this UI by clicking on the Homestead menu button or pressing the hotkey (default: U).

The following bug fixes and changes have been made to the game:
  • Forgotten Tomb Mission info overlapping text has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue with previous constellation appearance scrolls not working and weapons appearing invisible.
  • Previously it was mentioned that the Throw Burning Paper Airplane Action can't use Glittering Paper, however this is intended behavior.
  • Revised item descriptions for Thin Thread Ball Pouch, Thick Thread Ball Pouch, Cheap Leather Pouch, Common Leather Pouch, Fine Leather Pouch, Finest Leather Pouch to be consistent with other pouches.
  • Fixed the Stun duration of the Japari Tractor skill Tractor Takedown to match the skill description.
  • Removed unavailable Homestead PPP Cutout Display items from the Auction House search function.
  • Changed the summoning requirements for Kemono Friends Lucky Beast Doll Bags bonus set effect from 3 to 4. In addition, you are now able to summon all 4 dolls at once.
  • Fixed an issue that some items had two slots in the Dressing Room, although you can store only one.
  • Fixed an issue that caused characters to be unable to move after attempting to retrieve an item from the cash shop.
  • Fixed a bug that caused gathering tools with high gathering speed reforge could reduce the gathering speed.

The following are known bugs:
  • The thread effects for the Puppetry and Gunslinger skills do not appear properly.
  • The Large Ladle weapon will display as the same item color as the equipped item in the other hand.
  • Cash items purchased with NX Credit will require you to try and claim the items twice before it moves into your inventory.
  • Player character will hold the item Cup o' Joe incorrectly with a closed fist.
  • There is an issue with the rain SFX to continue to play when teleporting to areas in the game.
  • Some Players can't view Guild Members in Friends List.
  • The client is known to pause slightly when closing the Pet Expedition Board in your Homestead.


  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    Haha reference.

    You have my permission to giggle.
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    good job spotting that small detail, that is funny XD would be kind of epic to get a Final Fantasy crossover and actually fight Sephiroth though. nexon KR publishes the Korean version of the FFXIV mmo so I wonder if doing a crossover like that would even be possible. plus if FFXIV did a small mabi crossover event at the same time it would be good advertising for both games. if we ever do get to fight Sephiroth though he should be near unbeatable and reward players for surviving against him for a certain amount of time and a super rare title for the very few that can beat him.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    Negumiko wrote: »
    good job spotting that small detail, that is funny XD would be kind of epic to get a Final Fantasy crossover and actually fight Sephiroth though. nexon KR publishes the Korean version of the FFXIV mmo so I wonder if doing a crossover like that would even be possible. plus if FFXIV did a small mabi crossover event at the same time it would be good advertising for both games. if we ever do get to fight Sephiroth though he should be near unbeatable and reward players for surviving against him for a certain amount of time and a super rare title for the very few that can beat him.

    They gave Smash two songs and maybe two Spirit for Cloud. I don't feel they're comfortable doing crossovers with just anyone.
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    TNinja wrote: »
    Negumiko wrote: »
    good job spotting that small detail, that is funny XD would be kind of epic to get a Final Fantasy crossover and actually fight Sephiroth though. nexon KR publishes the Korean version of the FFXIV mmo so I wonder if doing a crossover like that would even be possible. plus if FFXIV did a small mabi crossover event at the same time it would be good advertising for both games. if we ever do get to fight Sephiroth though he should be near unbeatable and reward players for surviving against him for a certain amount of time and a super rare title for the very few that can beat him.

    They gave Smash two songs and maybe two Spirit for Cloud. I don't feel they're comfortable doing crossovers with just anyone.

    Likely and prolly understandably. Still, its fun to think about XD
  • GypsySpiritGypsySpirit
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,340
    Posts: 270
    Okay, ready for the next update!