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Star piece event


  • Member badnewsbarrett
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,890
    Posts: 519
    edited March 4, 2017
    Greta wrote: »
    Pannya wrote: »
    we should be able to get at least 1 outfit and the pet, idk why nexon expect us to recommend this game with such a trolling events, and guys, stop complaining about conflict hm, join in to the freaking parties, doesnt matter your lvl as a long and you can actually go in to the mission, there is a lot of strong players right now that can solo the entire thing, i dont mind to carry a couple of newb players and a lot of ppl i know do the same.

    I don't think it's fair to tell people to stop complaining when there are some players who actually like to run the missions themselves and not be carried through the entire thing.

    Then why choose an online game where you will always find such event/quest that will require you to be in a group of players to make it easier and faster for everyone... But there will be always a person who will blame Nexon that they made another crappy event... I'm kinda happy it's not another dumb AFK event, because that's the most common type of event we get usually.

    You misunderstood, by running it themselves I meant people who don't want to be carried through and want to be able to fight, not just stand in the back while high level players do it for them.

    Also, there are those who want to run missions alone and there isn't anything wrong with that either.

    I'm also glad it's not an AFK event but it was still executed poorly regardless.
  • Member Harukari
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,570
    Posts: 838
    edited March 4, 2017
    Tfw no broken star piece drops in your chest on elite mission. :(


    I also REALLY wish they allowed you to trade star pieces you already collected.
    I have 3 blue star pieces I can't do nothing with. :/
  • Member SylviaWolfe
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,810
    Posts: 345
    I kinda wish there was a way to earn chisels faster.. rather annoying having to wait until the next day and knowing there is a very limited amount of coins you can get :/
  • Member nevyn25
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,135
    Posts: 667
    I kinda wish there was a way to earn chisels faster.. rather annoying having to wait until the next day and knowing there is a very limited amount of coins you can get :/

    I agree on the coins part, but 5 chisels a day is already fairly much when you haven't had much time to play yet (got 23 atm xD). though I can imagine it isn't much if you get 5 broken pieces a day.
  • Member Zukatomiku
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 2
    Does anyone know how to add a star piece to your book? I managed to get a blue star piece when repairing a piece, but now it seems I can't do anything with it. The only options if you right-click on it are "Pick up" and "Drop." Likewise, the scrapbook had "Pick up," "Read," and "Drop." I can't drag the piece into the book or anything like that, and the buffoon Caravan Joe doesn't offer anything except to repeatedly explain the Attendance Event to me.
  • Member Blissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Zukatomiku wrote: »
    Does anyone know how to add a star piece to your book? I managed to get a blue star piece when repairing a piece, but now it seems I can't do anything with it. The only options if you right-click on it are "Pick up" and "Drop." Likewise, the scrapbook had "Pick up," "Read," and "Drop." I can't drag the piece into the book or anything like that, and the buffoon Caravan Joe doesn't offer anything except to repeatedly explain the Attendance Event to me.

    You pick up the colored star using your cursor, hover over the book while the cursor still has the star, and click.
  • Member Zukatomiku
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 2
    Thank you!!!
  • Member ReclusiveMage
    Mabinogi Rep: 560
    Posts: 14
    I mean I play the game alone to. Probably the joy I have in this game is fashion, collecting weapon/armor, and ranking skill to rank , everything else is just extra. That and I'm social phobia so I hide offline 24/7, that's just how I play the game.

    Whoever suggested that I run their method I couldn't with my trash elf windmill, so I just ran shadow warrior pretty simple run in a circle clear orbs and done. Out of 7 runs I only got 5 broken piece. :c If only this was an all event or that wishbone event, that event actually gave me a permanent tail from free boxes.
  • Member Shep
    Mabinogi Rep: 750
    Posts: 9
    I completed my book like two days ago and got the book completion prize {the pet}. Now I'm kind of stuck... I can't drop the book as the game won't let me, and there's no "destroy" option available {though I feel like I remember there was before I completed the book?}. I double checked to see if I had any more event quests that might be preventing me from removing the book, but there isn't. Can anyone help? Or am I stuck with the completed book until the end of the event? Also, is there no way to obtain a second book? I wouldn't mind spamming the event for several clouds. But my priority is getting rid of this book right now. :T
    send help
  • Member Daktaro
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,335
    Posts: 282
    @Shep whoa so lucky Q-Q congrats. about the book. you're probably gonna have to send a ticket to get rid of it. they keep doing that... adding in books and other items that you can't drop or destroy etc. idk why after it happens so many times they can't fix it for the future. but anyways staff are usually quite good and fast at removing the items if you send a ticket and ask them nicely to do it.
  • Member Greta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited March 5, 2017
    Seriously? Someone already finished book? I can't believe this kind of luck... I still need Orange, Yellow and Violet Stars...
  • Member Koisuki
    Mabinogi Rep: 610
    Posts: 5
    I finished the book as well and I hate how I can't drop it. I might as well file a ticket
  • Member asnscorpio
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 394
    Wow, Mabi RNG must really hate me right now. 20+ chizels and only 30ish% done with the book. They should of did something like the shooting star event.
  • Member Harukari
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,570
    Posts: 838
    Greta wrote: »
    Seriously? Someone already finished book? I can't believe this kind of luck... I still need Orange, Yellow and Violet Stars...

    I know right.. I still need two more stars and the game keeps giving me blue star pieces.
  • Member Senyuni
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,310
    Posts: 98
    I've gotten three red stars today :) about to drop this event since im tired of spamming and tired of buying the pieces to only get red stars spat at me
  • Member Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited March 5, 2017
    I said "Forget the suit, just get the pet" so here it is. He'll probably be dyed one day.
  • Member Harukari
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,570
    Posts: 838
    I said "Forget the suit, just get the pet" so here it is. He'll probably be dyed one day.

    Ahh so it can be dyed? That pink color is very bleh imo.

  • Member Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    Harukari wrote: »
    I said "Forget the suit, just get the pet" so here it is. He'll probably be dyed one day.

    Ahh so it can be dyed? That pink color is very bleh imo.

    I'm not sure, since I don't have any pet dyes on me. That's why I said probably.
  • Member nevyn25
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,135
    Posts: 667
    to me it mostly looks like a floating fluff of chemical candyfloss xD
  • Member Arjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    you don't have to have pet dyes to know if he can be dyed. he'll have the little color box on him in the pet screen