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So uhhh, I'm a first timer posting on the forums and this is my first real post but... I wanted to know what your thoughts are on a very ambitious lore project I've been working on for a little past a year and will be taking a temporary break from. I find it really cool that the forums has a section for the lore so I'm sure there are plenty of lovers of lore as well as I.
I was wondering if there was ever anyone in the history of Mabinogi players who has ever done something close to like what I've almost finished. Please share with me whatever examples you know of.
So imagine this.... screencaps of every line of dialogue + cutscene events across all generations and even their respective generation side quests. The entire lore of the generations laid out like a master gallery of sorts.
I have already finished G1-G23 and I'm a quarter way into G24. Just to give you an idea of the scope of what I'm talking about. G23 was 16.7GB and 6,350 images alone! What are your thoughts on this?
Thank you.

My G23 came to 7.5k screenshots, but to be fair, I haven't properly checked it to prune the duplicates, bad shots, and whatnot hahaha
A heads up: be prepared for G25 - that came to 11k screenshots on my end. again... not properly cleaned out.
Interesting find, I just subbed now
i wish you luck in this project and i really hope that you commit to it! i'd love to be able to share Mabinogi's story and characters with friends that don't want to play the game
I currently only have recordings of g9~13 and for storage reasons I discard footage I no longer need on a fairly regular basis.
I'm also much less thorough than this, as my videos are more detailed summary and discussion than a direct source.