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It's fine x'D
but yeah, it could just be a glitch due to Mabi having a # of glitches due to the maint - like Kensamaofmari said.
when it gets to cold, add more clothing, when it gets too hot, you get naked, and if its still to hot, what do you do? remove your skin? In the winter here, bills are always the lowest, obviously we never get as cold as you do, nor do we get as hot as it does in the Sahara Desert, I used to also work on Landscaping, i always prefered the cold winters over the 110F blazing heat, as I never had the option to use AC while working on such jobs, meanwhile in the winter, a good amount of clothing and your own body heat created from working kept me warm enough. Granted i also didnt like snow when i went to the mountains as walking was such a hastle when you went through the hills that didnt have snow plowed away. IDK about you but my own pc generates a good amount of heat to keep me warm in the winter, I also used to have a FX 6300 that was watercooled, that thing was a frigging furnace, and having it watercooled just meant for heat in my room. Good times. That said i think extreme colds is better. but i also understand that for many reasons its also more expensive to live under such conditions due to all the snow that needs to get removed and how harder it is to transport food and material to those areas. That said i always found it funny how my Canadian and NYC friends complained about 70F being too hot. Like come on we get 90s on average.
im a night type of guy, its wonderful
Most owls tend to be up at night
and they're SUPER CUTEEEEE
I get what you're saying, but it doesn't work that way here and I'm not discrediting what you're saying either. Lol. Wisconsin has it's own special weather system. Below freezing in the winter, and 90s + in the summer. And My PC has 0 ability at keeping the house warm, the heat in the house has been on the last couple of days and we need to order propane for the first time this season. It can snow, hail, sun can shine, and thunderstorm all in the same day. (I don't know if I've said that already...)
Last Saturday it was a high of 91, and today, it was a high of 51. Tomorrow, it shouldn't be as cool, but I do prefer working in cooler weather. I wish it was a 70 degree high temp average all year round. D;
And, on the note of night owl and dark stuff; I hate getting up for work at 6 AM when it's dark outside still and street lights are on when I go into town. Lol. It feels like I should still be in bed....
Appreciate what we have, for it is impossible to keep it forever.
Honestly, put earth-chan all around with words saying "Please clean me up so I'm no longer sick~" and you'll get a good bit of people recycling and helping out. xD
x'D it's all good.