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(FAQ) - How to Make Money as a new player
True, unless you have willingly helpful old veterans that can carry you to do that SM. I have done that before back then.
On Mari, finding nice pros is like a needle in a haystack. (╥v╥)
- Shiny Gold Thread (even exist on alby beginner, I swear). worth 800k - 1.5mgold
- Ancient magic powder (dropped from any monster with 'The Ancient' title, EVEN BROWN FOX). Worth 400k-600k gold
- Mysterious Herb Powder and Emerald Core from Part time job (will be useful later on so stack it as much as possible)
this might increase the chance we are getting them cheap
How the party stuff works is basically if you make a dungeon party/raid squad, the name and objective of your party will get announced in the chat/system logs of every other player on your channel every minute or so. The original intent of this was to advertise pickup groups but nowadays most people use it to advertise the stuff they're selling/buying by putting it in the name/objective of the party description. In this way, people usually sent you notes to indicate their interest in your offer. The actual trading either takes place with mail or by meeting up with them somewhere and using the ingame trade function
I've come across beginners where they would ask for things and I would just hand them a mace and a kite shield. I mean granted beginners now with their beginner weapon and outfits from the quests...outshine that mostly.......I'm not sure what else a beginner would want since they have the weapons and means to combat and gain what they need.
Dude, you ok?
They kind of do.
Actually they are worth around 1m and under now.
Stuffs like conflict and SM... I don't know what you guys mean xP
(and am poor bc I recently started..)
oh also how do I make bag T^T
1. Spend a bit of time leveling up Windmill using the red and grey foxes up near Ciar dungeon as fodder.
2. Collect every scroll, potion, and scrap of gold they drop.
3. Go to Duncan, turn in the scrolls when you have stacks of 10, sell the potions you don't intend to use, and go back for more.
4. When you get about 4k on hand, buy the bigger of the two bags with the scrolls on them at the item shop so you can hold more loot.
5. When you're a little stronger, start battling the grey and white wolves by the Tir Chonaill moongate.
6. Pick up every bit of gold, scroll, and clothing set they drop...especially the clothes, because they sell for near or a little over 200 gold a pop.
7. Once you start getting super comfortable killing those wolves, start spamming Albey dungeon solo. Pick up all of the gold, scrolls, cheese, gear, and potions you can, but leave room for the end loot. You often get enchant scrolls, powders, and occasionally short swords along with around 1,800 gold. If you don't need the enchant, sell the scroll and the powder. If you don't need the gear, sell that too.
Once you get about 50,000 gold, then invest in a kiosk. You can sell things like enchant scrolls and magic powders at a much better price to other players than you could to NPC's, and some things that sell for next to nothing to NPC's (various grades of leather, for instance) can net you a tidy profit when sold from a kiosk. To collect your earnings, close up shop and click "Tidy Kiosk". The money will automatically go to your bank. The only downside is that you can't go to the Festia while you've got a kiosk open.
How do I set up a Kiosk?