Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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What Would You Want Fix In Mabi


  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited May 11, 2017
    Marith wrote: »

    Gonna add this here, since they just broke it. Unless this was intentional, in which case, terrible decision.

    I actually realized why they might have changed this. Every time when i decide to open Pet Information window i used to get some fps drops asap. Now after this change, i have almost no lag when i open it. That's actually nice when i think about this.
  • FoxgirlkatieFoxgirlkatie
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,055
    Posts: 156
    Greta wrote: »
    Marith wrote: »

    Gonna add this here, since they just broke it. Unless this was intentional, in which case, terrible decision.

    I actually realized why they might have changed this. Every time when i decide to open Pet Information window i used to get some fps drops asap. Now after this change, i have almost no lag when i open it. That's actually nice when i think about this.

    im still confused on what hes upset about?
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited May 12, 2017
    Greta wrote: »
    Marith wrote: »

    Gonna add this here, since they just broke it. Unless this was intentional, in which case, terrible decision.

    I actually realized why they might have changed this. Every time when i decide to open Pet Information window i used to get some fps drops asap. Now after this change, i have almost no lag when i open it. That's actually nice when i think about this.

    im still confused on what hes upset about?

    Look at that Remaining: 120 and 50. It looks kinda awful and new players will be like "120 what? Days? Hours? Minutes? What IS THAT!?" now. Looks pretty confusing.
  • MarithMarith
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,005
    Posts: 122
    Greta wrote: »

    Look at that Remaining: 120 and 50. It looks kinda awful and new players will be like "120 what? Days? Hours? Minutes? What IS THAT!?" now. Looks pretty confusing.

    Yeah, basically.

    I mean, I know it's minutes, and that's the only thing it's ever been. It looks awkward is all. I'm sure I can get over it, but it just seemed to come out of the blue, which leads me to believe something got messed up with the patch. Especially since they didn't make any mention of it.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited May 12, 2017
    Marith wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »

    Look at that Remaining: 120 and 50. It looks kinda awful and new players will be like "120 what? Days? Hours? Minutes? What IS THAT!?" now. Looks pretty confusing.

    Yeah, basically.

    I mean, I know it's minutes, and that's the only thing it's ever been. It looks awkward is all. I'm sure I can get over it, but it just seemed to come out of the blue, which leads me to believe something got messed up with the patch. Especially since they didn't make any mention of it.

    Also people might not know what's remaining actually lol. Just imagine if people might assume that it's remaining summon times like you can summon a pet only 120 times a day. Wait... That would be actually too op and maybe not logical... xD
  • 122798122798
    Post: 1
    Mabinogi X KonoSuba Event o.o.. would be epicly amusing.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Opalthira wrote: »
    How would they buff pve though? The enemies already hit like trucks and have tons of health. I think the only thing hold the game back is enemies might be doing too much damage and players shouldn't be able to stun lock monsters. Then maybe the game *might feel* more balanced. If they removed the stuns i think the game might be better. I mean watch a video of one guy spam firebolt in a whole room of like 20 mobs until everything dies shouldn't really be a thing.

    I'd be happy if they made the enemies *maybe* do less damage
    Players cant just stunlock everything
    Support some kind of group play like the bandit world boss or the runaway gingerbread man.

    (Then again pretty sure its up to korea to makes these changes and based on videos of new content don't think this is likely ever goin to change. Probably because korea makes all the decisions and is made for casual gaming?)

    You misunderstood me, my meaning was buff was to consider player capability beyond the sake of equality. Essentially, a rebalancing, that does not rely on HP and Advanced Stander, though those are not outside the realm of consideration. Of course, some skills are responsible for this mess.
  • Manbo7Manbo7
    Mabinogi Rep: 800
    Posts: 2
    I for once would like Mabinogi or perhaps their developer to fix their oldest item for example like the Magic School Shoes, it got item combination effect for stamina but its outlook design is OMG! It's about time Mabi people change them make them look worth it and please give some other drop items other then the Treasure Box from the bears. All for the good of our beginners, I wish.
  • kingjames488kingjames488
    Mabinogi Rep: 725
    Posts: 59
    just a couple main issues I have:

    -fix the massive lag/performance issues; really... this is the laggiest game I've ever played. it also performs very poorly dropping FPS almost everywhere and not even making full use of available system resources.
    -update old half-finished/broken content; such as the first few levels of alchemy mastery requiring you to do things that are no longer in the game... also that stupid L-rod thing.

    there are probably more minor things, but these stand out to me as the most game breaking.
  • SaiSai
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,785
    Posts: 675
    The NPC portrait issue with AMD GPUs when playing in 32bit color. Thing has been triggering me hard for years and I hate playing this game in ugly 16 bit color.

    Needs to be fixed more than anything. Don't even care about anything else.
  • AutographAutograph
    Mabinogi Rep: 970
    Posts: 26
    I'd very much appreciate if they fixed the option to leave an inactive guild. My alt is stuck in a guild without service and there's nothing I can do to leave due to the site being bugged. :/
  • IcezeroIcezero
    Mabinogi Rep: 830
    Posts: 13
  • Divine323Divine323
    Mabinogi Rep: 365
    Posts: 3
    Opalthira wrote: »
    Let's be fair, nerfing one thing is not an exact buff to another. There needs to be a certain level of player effectiveness, and to nerf us back to the stone age does not quite help. Equality is important, yes, but we should be considering more than just easily but not well thought out nerfs, but we should be buffing characters to an acceptable standard in PVE, not just PVP.

    I think humans are a bit too OP for older content, and almost necessary for newer content, at least for me, who does not want to do 2 hour dungeons. At all. It may be just a lack of effective level scaling that does not rely on HP or Defenses. However, the spam nature of this game is reminiscent of a Anime styled Runescape. Gross.

    I think people can easily dish out nerf suggestions for races and skills they do not use in a Coop game, but I think from experience it would be effective to suggest how to buff our races as well.

    Perhaps make Combo cards craftable and such? It is one way to encourage different skill usage, other than making said skills viable.

    Think this what most people want. They want to play the mabi they started playing. Not the "reforges are p2w, spam one skill (FH,Bash,Firebolt) to win simulator" that it has become. They want the more "complex gameplay" the game started out with not this super casual play candy crush while i click a button sim.
    (And i never played old mabi that long so i'm not experienced in the ways of the old. just typing what others have been saying around forum while being redundant)

    My exact feelings right now.
  • ArchmagickArchmagick
    Mabinogi Rep: 745
    Posts: 22
    edited May 17, 2017
    >complex gameplay

    >spam WM, AR or magnum shot to win (with food glitches that let you get 999 dex)

    >spam elf magnum to win

    >spam golems to win

    >spam WM to win except you ignore most of your enemy's armor

    this was all before genesis btw.

    People who say that Mabi's combat used to be more balanced simply didn't have enough knowledge of the game to know what was busted or not.

  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    edited May 17, 2017
    I wish Partners have Combat Mastery to rank above novice rank and possible weapon masteries that ranks up (no stays-at-rank-F nonsense). All their skills should hit rank 1 at level 200 (I'm looking at the butler and maid). On top of that, they should have some form of stat gain from level-up besides having their stats boosted by skill ranking (unfortunately if this is implemented, Mabi's stats from level ups is not retroactive).
  • CrittenzCrittenz
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,220
    Posts: 31
    1. Alexina's L Rod - I get spammed with that quest every time I relog and since I work on exploration exp I am almost always in Port Qilla and talking to Alexina.
    2. Exploration Quest Board - Why do we have to pay money to get an exploration quest?
    3. Rafting - Make more skills able to be used. Ninja's have a lot of ranged skills yet it seems none of them will work on a raft.
    4. Skill Ranking for Blacksmithing (Some levels are ridiculous and take a hella long time to rank) Gunslinger takes a loooong time as well as does Herbalism. The points you get for meeting the objectives for ranks are pitifully small especially if you compare them to how fast you can rank other things like Close Combat. I haven't personally tried all the other skills but I hear there are several others besides those two that are way to grindy to level.
    5. More options for making money or at least better gold rewards for monster drops. Right now you pretty much have to spam shadow missions with crystals to make anything decent and honestly that just covers the cost of repairs for your weapons and gears most of the time.
    6. Crafting Skill Recipes - Think they could use a rework. Most of the things I would like to make if I ever get Magic Craft or Hillwean Engineering high enough require Apostle things from Girgashy Raid or Black Dragon drops which if you haven't noticed. All the times I've managed to find a black or white dragon no one is ever there and you can't kill a raid boss for it's drops solo. Think that whole system could use a rework either to get people more incentive to go to the raid or lower the requirements on certain things to not need drops from an impossible to kill boss. (It's also REALLY grindy to level these skills at all which are LIFE skills yet require you to be OP in combat just to get to the materials you need.)
    7. I'd like to see an associated talent you can rebirth into for Magic Craft and Hillwean Engineering as well.
    8. More herb patches outside of dungeons like the base herbs which you can find in lots of places yet any other herb type requires you to go to Ant Hell (Which really needs the key drop rate raised cause I have NEVER found a treasure chest key in all the times I've been there.) Or the connous underground maze just to find them. But honestly those places feel just like dungeons to me so it's not really "outside" of a dungeon and what's the point of ranking herbalism if we can't find simple herbs like Bloody, Sunlight, and Mana like we can base herbs.
    9. Combo Cards - On the off chance that I do get one or in the case of shadow mission spam events I get several.. they all SUCK! usually loaded with skills I do not posses or want to posses or skill combos that make no sense at all. How am I supposed to use chain 3 drop kick to START with then move to Meteor? Anything I wanted to kill would be dead usually before I got to the drop kick part of the combo. They are ridiculous and not really worth having.
    10. Some sort of rework of archery skills - Even at 90 or 99% aim I still miss a monster not two feet in front of me. Yet monster archers will almost 1 hit KO me at times. I'd love to do archery but as it is right now it's hard as hell to rank due to lots of misses that shouldn't miss.

    The log in button on the mabi main page is broken and has been for awhile now. I have to literally go to the shop and hit "purchase NX" to log into my account. I am not the only one with this problem either.

    These are just a few things I personally would like to see. If they don't happen then they don't happen but I think at least some of these suggestions would improve gameplay for everyone.
  • ArengothArengoth
    Mabinogi Rep: 430
    Posts: 7
    I'd just be happy if they rebalanced the usefulness of life skills. Right now there's really nothing useful to anyone outside of magic crafting/hillwen engineering. All crafting skills are right now is a stat increase.
  • CrittenzCrittenz
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,220
    Posts: 31
    Arengoth wrote: »
    I'd just be happy if they rebalanced the usefulness of life skills. Right now there's really nothing useful to anyone outside of magic crafting/hillwen engineering. All crafting skills are right now is a stat increase.

    True enough. Most of the useful/Interesting crafting things were a production gachapon thing only.
  • AlmostNotsuperAlmostNotsuper
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,240
    Posts: 288
    Archmagick wrote: »
    >complex gameplay

    >spam WM, AR or magnum shot to win (with food glitches that let you get 999 dex)

    >spam elf magnum to win

    >spam golems to win

    >spam WM to win except you ignore most of your enemy's armor

    this was all before genesis btw.

    People who say that Mabi's combat used to be more balanced simply didn't have enough knowledge of the game to know what was busted or not.

    Yes, because none of those things had counters, and the monsters were too slow compared to us back then to take advantage of any openings we did happen to leave by making a stupid mistake at the worst moment. Not to mention all the crazy damage and utility gaps between people with the same stats and skill ranks. If you had said 'balanced' instead of 'more balanced', you might have had a point.

    I'm not saying that everything broken in this game came in genesis or later (although, everything that currently matters did, because old stuff was either left behind or changed), but it was a turning point at which a lot of broken things did appear. Our skills were sped up while monsters were left entirely unchanged (this still has not been compensated for in any form, unless you count all the adv heavy mobs), reforges came out around that time, nimbuses came out around that time (starting the trend of broken AoE pets, previous ones weren't that bad), armor masteries and broken bard skills came out soon after, and then we got the hybrid skills, which most monsters can't even effectively guard against, the beginning of another trend, as most new skills to come out since then have been similar.

    You could say that before that update, we had some options which were great against monsters (most of which, they also had), but we were still equal to them. Now, we're on a higher tier, and monsters can't compete, except for the ones with broken advantages themselves. As some people have mentioned before, this makes gameplay feel either boring when you're fighting trash mobs, or cheap when you're fighting HP walls that can one-shot you. There doesn't seem to be much 'in-between'.
  • AkirachuAkirachu
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,560
    Posts: 274
    this game was ruin the moment aoe pets and reforges were added to the game and now all they do is event and gaches nothing else you cant enjoy the game without paying nexon ruin a good game