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AP training... too grindy
Blaze does the job of 3 people in phantasm, and you can simply n+blaze any elite mobs with it (more reliable than FH in the long run)
People just don't know how to use it properly or do weak damage.
To each their own I guess.
Kids.. with great power comes great responsibility!
I personally have no issue with AP training because it actually make people use their extra APs up on some skills which compensate for it if you don't want to train it the hard way, I'm just glad that my extra APs are not wasted on stuffs like this ad I already capped everything several weeks ago.
Now... if AP training does actually help you with mastering r1 skills... THAT is something I would ACTUALLY spend my extra APs on.
Can Confirm. Training Blacksmithing the normal way was a utter Pain in the Tail. so glad for AP training.
don't judge me :C
I never touched blaze because the skill was way too situational to be handy. so I knew i'd never touch it after I was done.
(plus displacement-lag always made me upset when I tried to use it XD)
i'm weird I guess but, all the struggling I got from training skills to then feel that since of achievement at rank 1 is now gone because of ap training.
I see this update is being great for new players, but for vets who invested hours/months of time into 1 skill at a time. I understand why they would be upset.
also... would this mean raccoon cub enchant is less useful now? LOL
Not really, you still need to make 30 exp in skill to be able to use AP training on them, so you still need -cp gear.