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(CLOSED) Bust-up art shop ☆ NX/PP/Gold (Mari)
Closing shop for now, thank you!
In-game name/server: KrissJS Mari
References: [below]
Personality: Happy all the time and loves everyone
Additional info: Christmas............
Transparent or solid color BG: Solid color, a green would probably work best
ok my ref is a mess. So this is the outfit ref
and this is the face/hair ref
I'll be paying in gold!
In-game name/server: Emikochan of Ruairi
References: https://puu.sh/pE2YM.jpg https://puu.sh/pE2Go.jpg
Personality: Rima is happy all the time and strives to be a singer! She is also a little mischievous
Additional info: I don't have any drawn refs of her really i'm sorry sobs but with her hair there are no cat ears i just like the look of that long hair and she has a burn mark going across her right shoulder that kinds resembles a feather and eyes are a really REALLY light blue like she almost looks blind (im so sorry for all the written details i suck)
Transparent or solid color BG: Solid color please maybe a dark gray or dark Purple
I'll be paying in gold with a gold transfer thing! KrissJS will provide the 5m!!!
k thank you I love you
I love you both!! Both references look great and I'll start asap ♥