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Moist Art Shop (*≧∀≦*) New Examples!!!
IGN: Wakasagihime
Server: Alexina
Order 1)
Type: Bust
Payment: Gold
Reference: http://imgur.com/a/81YmA
Order 2)
Type: Full Body or Waist (I'll let you decide, both are good with me but I feel like I have poor foresight on what would look nice. Price isn't a problem at all!)
Payment: Gold
http://imgur.com/U0UxoDC (Credit to yuuwi)
http://orig08.deviantart.net/af7b/f/2017/073/8/e/imaizumi_by_unislaughts-db2bf80.png (Credit to Unisloots/Unicornburgers)
Im happy I finally got an order!!! ^w^ Thank you so much! accepted!
I will be drawing the hair a bit different and the hat won't look as weird
I promise xD You can send payment anytime you're comfortable.
First is I'd like the stripes on her clothing to be a little bit wider and/or fewer in number.
Second is if possible make her chest less square-boob and more shapely? I'm not sure how to describe it. Here's a past commission I've ordered from Nikomis to better illustrate what I'd like regarding this one request, hopefully, http://imgur.com/a/RgrYp
If either or both requests aren't really feasible then don't sweat it too much!
Beyond that the rest is fab love. I especially really like her facial expression! Looking forward to the completed piece c:
Yeah I can change it of course! I just started on the lineart and I haven't drawn her boobs yet so
I'll get right on it! ^_^ Thank you for being patient with me.
Edit: How does this look? o:
If possible return her boobs to the size they were in the older wip? Or somewhere in between.
I'm unsure of how she would've looked if I hadn't made the request to change her chest so now I'm a bit curious. Not entirely sure how feasible this is or how much this even makes sense so if it's not really a thing or if it's just too much trouble then it's totally fine.
Do what you think is best ^^ Otherwise I'm quite happy already with this wip and you're free to move forward with your work!
Thank you!!
boobs to be bigger, but I will fix that in your full/waist picture, if that's alright with you.
Regardless, I still hope you like it. c:
I'll be on mabi all day in Belvast Chan1 selling stuff, unless you want to wait and pay all together!
Just let me know
Though I really want to see what she'd look like with larger bust, so if it's possible save this one to go back to if that's okay. Show me the new WIP before moving forward from there if it's not too much trouble please.
Also I'm not sure how much more you'll change/add from here so I'll just bring this part up now. I forgot to include a close up reference for her headpiece details and pattern. I'd like it if you could include those, but it's fine if you don't. In the case you do here's the reference:
In the case you decide to/are going to add her headpiece details, please leave it for after the boob WIP if you think it'll cause extra work should I decide to backtrack to the current WIP.
Finally I love her pose and all of the flowy clothing!
let me know, I hope you like it. I'll be on all day, just
message me
(If you need the gyazo version let me know as well)