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Kissing/hugging or cuddling or sitting together would be amazing.
100% support.
With that in mind, a marriage gesture is more than feasable.
Sounds nice.
the couple flight is only really usefull in iria.
Just to reassure people that it's very possible, of course. I'm super nice.
Maybe hugs for everyone and cuddles for married couples?
Can I also hug NPCs too?
I want to hug my Mabi senpais.but yeah hug for everyone and cuddles for married couples thats a good idea~!
i like it
a kiss gesture would also be fun, because ya married after all.. and when you got married,, no kiss animation.. only a bow.. :c
i want hug all my friends lots
that would be a good idea
As for the non-Married type, it could only be done with players in your same party with the gesture check put while creating a party where you decide to make the gesture available to use or not - with that kind of info displayed in the party board or that can be seen in the party window when entering.
The Married Gesture being a more intimate, like a kiss, and the non-Married Gesture being only a hug
( but i would also love to hug with my husband then only kiss~)
but i would love it if the married couples could get a kiss gesture and then friends hugs!
hugs for days!~~
When you right click a player there would be an option for "Hug (playername)" which would send a request to that player.
If the player accepts the animation plays.
If the player doesnt accept nothing happens (or maybe another animation? IDK)
Then comes the questions about races and also player heights.
If the players are smaller or taller that there is a sizing issue.
The taller player will either:
- pick up the smaller player and hug them
- crouch to the smaller players height to hug them
- the smaller character will go on there tiptoes
If the Giant is hugging a Human (or Elf) the giant will pick up the player.
Server: Ruairi
IGN: Sagitare