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Only one freebie this time, preferably of a
female character with heart-filled eyes (OCs are welcome as long as they meet these requirements). I'll choose whichever character I like most. You can share multiple references and request any details such as accessories, patterns, scarves, animal ears, and so on. I might try a different colouring style.
Please post references below, thank you!
EDIT: Slot taken, thanks everyone! (sketching)
EDIT#2: Closed now!
Here's my character if she interests you! You can put heart-filled eyes if you want? I don't mind.
Good luck whever participates tho, and really cool of you to make freebies for people.
I mean they said preferably, it's free art though so I honestly don't think was necessary to notify the artist that you passed. :c It feels mean spirited in a way.
1: A1) http://imgur.com/9DH53dP A2) http://imgur.com/5Bq8dt5 A3) http://imgur.com/qzu1OTa A4) Credit to Pyonko
1 notes; If you do this one then you don't necessarily have to include the umbrella. If you do then perhaps you could change it to a parasol? An alternative accessory I can think of is a folding hand fan. Similar in style to those from the 17th century used in England. Potential fan illustrations could be sweets or stars maybe?
2: B1) http://imgur.com/a/4EE6N B2) http://imgur.com/a/Gx8f5 B3) Credit to yuuwi B4) Credit to Unisloots/Unicornburgers
B5) Credit to Vagesty B6) Credit to Pyonko
2 notes; Sorry for the reference overload from other artists, but I feel like it's easier to understand how the outfit is supposed to look when their work is supplemented. If you happen to like this one, then I think a potential accessory could be earrings if you're interested. Not sure how visible/viable given her headpiece, but if they happen to be a thing, then arabic earrings or other types of arabic jewelry could be cool.
Tbh feels like I'm asking for a lot IF one of my refs gets chosen for a freebie, so just do what you'd like if either of her outfits interest you. I really love all of the freebies you've done and not just the ones I've received from you, so I hope you find the character you're looking for!
Here's the refs
Here's heart eyes BD
clothing gold is #bb9955, shoes/outfit are #1e1e20, wings are #282828 (If you did pick my character as a reference I don't care how you color it though or what you change tbh)
also yes, my character is female
Closed for now, have a nice day everyone! ^^