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Dear GMs, Please extend the Mission Point event
Today I got Refine 30 times. I'm not really into refining so I used my last reset and hoped I could get something like Run Alby. I got the same one.
Cuz why not
Realistically though, it has taken me ~3hrs a night, every night to do the missions, and I always reset the ones I know will take too long (run Rabbie/Rundal/Peaca, rank up Tailoring/Blacksmithing, etc.)
If the problem you're running into is skill-related, it's been pointed out that you can do resets at Duncan.
If it's mob related, you just need to find ways to run it efficiently; for Mongoose I hunt the Black Mongoose West of Human Mark in Iria, for any SM creatures I do Dorren's Req, for anything on Scathath I go to.... Scathath. Etc.
I don't think this is the event where you should feel you need to 100% it unless you want to, and that you can easily get the armour sets with only doing..... what, a third?
I don't like sitting on a 'you can't have it' stance, but I feel like they were lenient enough on this event....
although IDK why they made JUST the wig 11k...
Edit: I feel like it should also be noted that these threads pop up quite frequently, and of course RL will intercede for many people. However, these events aren't supposed to be a hand-me-out 100% participation; if you're unable to complete the requirements for the event, it's unfortunate, but not necessarily a 'problem' that Nexon needs to 'fix' (other than when you get into ludicrous time-frames like the original Giant Renewal).
Someone in Bangor is manipulating things hehehe
It means level the Talent its self from ranking up skills
Ie. Novice>Naive.
hate to break it to you guys but the event is only until the 24th (next week maint), that leaves you with 8 days not 13 ....
or not lol, sorry didn't check post dates hopefully everyone got what they wanted from the event xD;