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Weekly Loc Discussion: Title Revamp!
Hi-ho, citizens of Erinn! Have you perchance noticed that, along with our most recent update came a revamp of player titles? We've known you've wanted this for a long time, and we're glad to finally be rolling it out as part of a larger initiative to tidy up Mabinogi's localization here and there. Of course, we're keeping an eye on titles that may have missed the first sweep and are working on bringing them up to code as well. Big thanks go to several members of our Mabinogi Production and Customer Service teams who are longtime players themselves and aided Localization in getting at the core of the issue.
With this, your titles should work well not only with each other, but with the proper syntax coming after your character's name - all with more consistent capitalization, too. Beyond this, though, we know many of you are aware of some titles which...diverge a bit from the original Korean. In English, for example, you can be "Altam's Ally," but some of you may want to embrace the lad's thirst with the Korean title, which translates directly as "the one Altam Longs For."
So...what do you think of the title overhaul? And are there any extant titles you'd like us to consider perhaps changing to reflect the original Korean more? Let us know!
- The Mabinogi Localization Team

But yes I think it is always important to stay more or less faithful to the original Korean translation and
Ever since that "Super Mom/Dad" change from "Super Parent", how about a change (or reversion in this case) to the title "the Lucky"?
Back in the oooold days, this title used to change depending on the player character's gender calling them "the Lucky Guy" or "the Lucky Girl".
I like when titles change how they're displayed depending on the character's condition, so I'm pitching the idea that that gets changed back.
There's even others that do this, like the "Dazzling Dude/Brilliant Babe" title.
For those that work as they do, I would keep it as is so not to make it complicated. But since there is only 1 title that can be changed, the community should choose wisely.
I say.... edit "joy spreader" to something that doesn't involve joy nor spreading
I don't like how that is worded at all; but that is just my opinion.
On topic, I say keep it the way it is. The whole translation of the story, from what I've read, is fairly different, so the titles may not make as much sense literally translated if everything else is not.
On another note, when I returned playing, I was highly disappointed that I was no longer "Jazmyn the King of Fishing". ;-; CHANGE IT BACKKKK!!! T_T xD
Thank you again, Localization, for fixing the titles.
Change Avelin to Avelin's Colleague and Talvish's to Talvish's Partner, perhaps. It looks like Avelin got a measure of closeness in that title that's different from her more distant KR title, meanwhile Talvish's became more cold in the translation.
Where did it say they were only changing one title? Lol.
the Owner of the Black Rose
the Slave of the Black Rose
I'm still, however, annoyed after all this time that "King of Rock" from the rock paper scissors event got changed to "Ruler of Rock" for seemingly no reason. Usually I don't touch most of the crappy fodder titles from events, but I actually USED King of Rock/Queen of Rock and now it's not King of Rock/Queen of Rock so I couldn't care less. I'd love if you changed that back too.... and if it had something to do with one of the titles being "Scissors Queen" ... well Just because Queen of Scissors could be interpreted differently by dirty-minded people doesn't mean you should have to change it. I mean Master of Hoeing still exists doesn't it?
Can't think of any dirty thoughts on Queen of Scissors.
*Googles to find out definition*
Oooookay... I see now. I never knew... LOL.
We also have Master of Milking... It sounds so hilarious
Because of misleading poll
And the Master of Hoeing. >.>
also, some Talvish Title suggestions were thrown around in the discord so I'm gonna put them heeere:
"Talvish's Companion"
"Who is at Talvish's Side"
"Who Stands with Talvish"
Me: Hey bb apparently Nexon revamped some titles but I don't know what was revamped, do you?
Boyfriend: Yeah, look at "the wise".
Me: Oh, okay.
Oh... okay...
Does anyone other than my troll know all the titles that were revamped? I don't know why I bothered asking him.
I can sorta see why they change it so it links with the 2nd title, like "the Wise and 8th/10th Anniversary Fantasista". However, if you put it with 2nd titles like "Talvish" it would read "the Wise and Talvish" and I can't stop laughing after reading it like that LOL.
No no, it's just a mistake.
There are two "the Wise" titles now.
The one that's SUPPOSED to be "the Wise and" is the old, and now unobtainable, Dan 1 Magic 2nd title.
So it'd be used in situations like "the Wise and the Master of Icebolt".
But like someone mentioned elsewhere, they probably used a "Replace All" thing and it hit the normal "the Wise" title.
I love you.