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Emain Raids event

Mabinogi Rep: 490
Posts: 14
in Feedback and Suggestions
Okay, so recently two new raids were added in Emain, bringing the number up to 3. 6, if you consider the various difficulties of Girgashiy. 6 missions that are perfectly simple for anyone over level 500 with some basic gaming skills to do, for semi-decent rewards. That is, IF they can find a party. Which, currently, is a huge problem.

These raids currently suffer from a self-feeding problem. People who try to run can't build a party. After a while, they give up, and don't bother trying again. As a result, others aren't able to build a party either.
This is made worse by a large number of players who never even tried it, and aren't aware whether it's difficult or simple. They see the title "raid", and the fact that there are so few people running it, and mistakenly believe there's no point.

The solution is simple: Make an event that rewards raids. While we just recently had a double crusader exp event, that sort of reward only makes sense for people already running. The rewards should be such that someone who never tried the raid would be sufficiently tempted to give it a try, thereby increasing the raider population.

I suggest a fairly simple event. Every day at 12am PST, each player would receive 6 quests:
Defeat Girgashiy(Easy). Reward: 1 event box
Defeat Girgashiy(Normal). Reward: 2 event box
Defeat Girgashiy(Hard). Reward: 4 event boxes
Defeat Girgashiy(Very Hard). Reward: 8 event boxes
Defeat Hasidim(Hard). Reward: 6 event boxes
Defeat Zebach(Hard). Reward: 8 event boxes

(If this is too much rewards, the boxes can be replaced with coupons that are stacked to form boxes)

Each event box will give a random reward from the usual pool of desirable event rewards, including:
Nao soul stones
Reforge kits
Training exp potions
Training seals
AP potions (up to 100)
Beam swords
Secondary titles
Event-exclusive fashion items

The promise of rewards that are useful to anyone will encourage people to at least try. Experienced runners would be able (and many would be quite likely) to teach newcomers the few things they need to know. And having more people running would make it easier to get parties filled throughout the day.
From a horribly underused feature, raids would hopefully become as common as running elite shadow missions (Another previously underappreciated feature).


  • XypixXypix
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,890
    Posts: 63
    edited August 17, 2018
    I like how you want to reward more boxes for Very Hard Girgashiy than Hasidim, when Hasidim is actually even harder.
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    Is party advertisement an option?
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Xypix wrote: »
    I like how you want to reward more boxes for Very Hard Girgashiy than Hasidim, when Hasidim is actually even harder.

    Lol also Zebach raid would give more boxes than Hasidim one, lmao.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    The box totals should be more like:
    Girg (Easy): 1
    Girg (Normal): 2
    Girg (Hard): 4
    Girg (VHM): 1 (with the current Girg glitch, you can easily cheese out a 30 second successful run)
    Hasidim: 7
    Zebach: 12
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    The box totals should be more like:
    Girg (Easy): 1
    Girg (Normal): 2
    Girg (Hard): 4
    Girg (VHM): 1 (with the current Girg glitch, you can easily cheese out a 30 second successful run)
    Hasidim: 7
    Zebach: 12

    What glitch? The Mimic one? Cause i don't think that it's glitch.
  • SlugFillerSlugFiller
    Mabinogi Rep: 490
    Posts: 14
    Hasidim doesn't summon additional enemies when weakened, and any party that can 1-round VHM can 1-round Hasidim as well (as several guilds demonstrated on day 1). I can recognize that it's harder than HM, especially with the death count limit, but VHM is still a step up from that.
    (Also, if we were counting exploits, then there's a 10-second Hasidim option)
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    Greta wrote: »
    The box totals should be more like:
    Girg (Easy): 1
    Girg (Normal): 2
    Girg (Hard): 4
    Girg (VHM): 1 (with the current Girg glitch, you can easily cheese out a 30 second successful run)
    Hasidim: 7
    Zebach: 12

    What glitch? The Mimic one? Cause i don't think that it's glitch.

    No, the one where everyone except for party leader and one other play dead/crisis before going in, party leader uses crisis when they load in, and the other person who goes in without play dead/crisis goes in on a pet and desummons it upon loading in so Girg stands in the same place and swings at the air four times before jumping.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited August 18, 2018
    Greta wrote: »
    The box totals should be more like:
    Girg (Easy): 1
    Girg (Normal): 2
    Girg (Hard): 4
    Girg (VHM): 1 (with the current Girg glitch, you can easily cheese out a 30 second successful run)
    Hasidim: 7
    Zebach: 12

    What glitch? The Mimic one? Cause i don't think that it's glitch.

    No, the one where everyone except for party leader and one other play dead/crisis before going in, party leader uses crisis when they load in, and the other person who goes in without play dead/crisis goes in on a pet and desummons it upon loading in so Girg stands in the same place and swings at the air four times before jumping.

    That's a weird glitch. Never heard of it. Did VHM like 8 months ago so i can't tell since no one told me this that time.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    Greta wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    The box totals should be more like:
    Girg (Easy): 1
    Girg (Normal): 2
    Girg (Hard): 4
    Girg (VHM): 1 (with the current Girg glitch, you can easily cheese out a 30 second successful run)
    Hasidim: 7
    Zebach: 12

    What glitch? The Mimic one? Cause i don't think that it's glitch.

    No, the one where everyone except for party leader and one other play dead/crisis before going in, party leader uses crisis when they load in, and the other person who goes in without play dead/crisis goes in on a pet and desummons it upon loading in so Girg stands in the same place and swings at the air four times before jumping.

    That's a weird glitch. Never heard of it. Did VHM like 8 months ago so i can't tell since no one told me this that time.

    I think its no more than a year old.
  • SlugFillerSlugFiller
    Mabinogi Rep: 490
    Posts: 14
    Oh, I thought you meant the delayed entry glitch, where only one person enters, annoys girg for 30 secs, then shields, and then everyone else enter, 3 or 4 people spike it, and then it gets hit with 10+ blades. This works on Hasidim too, and in less time (since it jumps after 10 seconds), but with the added challenge of trying to prevent it from fierce charging away from the spawn point. But again, I'm not counting exploits.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    edited August 20, 2018
    SlugFiller wrote: »
    Oh, I thought you meant the delayed entry glitch, where only one person enters, annoys girg for 30 secs, then shields, and then everyone else enter, 3 or 4 people spike it, and then it gets hit with 10+ blades. This works on Hasidim too, and in less time (since it jumps after 10 seconds), but with the added challenge of trying to prevent it from fierce charging away from the spawn point. But again, I'm not counting exploits.

    I'm counting the exploits, since no one does VHM Girg the way it was intended. You don't even need subskills unless you're a blade, and getting shield/spike to Rank 1 is easy enough that anyone with either can run VHM Girg. With Hard, there's no way to cheese it.

    And with VHM Girg, only six people need to be shielded; both shielders, 2 spikes, and the two strongest bladers. Everyone else is assigned to "potato blade". By having 3-4 people spike, you're already sacrificing possible damage.

    Also, how does one enter in ahead of the rest of the party?
  • SlugFillerSlugFiller
    Mabinogi Rep: 490
    Posts: 14
    Also, how does one enter in ahead of the rest of the party?
    I'm surprised you don't know this (And yet know that convoluted AI trick). From the get-go, whenever a party changes area, they don't all appear at the same time. Rather, they appear based on how fast their client loads the area (Which is a good way to test who's running on a potato when moving to Tara)
    Without going into details (I don't want the ire of powerful guilds, in case Nexon reads this and it somehow gets patched), I'll just say there's a (rather simple) way to trick the client into thinking that it's still loading the next area for an arbitrary amount of time. It allows party members to enter a mission at the order and timing of their choosing (Although they do need an external way to coordinate that timing, e.g. Discord)

    So, if you're counting exploits, then not only is your method absurdly convoluted and hard, there's a much simpler method that allows cheesing all difficulty levels of Girgashiy, as well as Hasidim. And I know for a fact at least a couple of guilds have been using it since forever.

    But under those conditions, only Zebach would count. Which is why I'm not counting exploits.

    P.S. 2 spikes isn't enough to achieve max protection reduction (even if both are r1). One more spike will do more for the damage than one more blade. Not that it matters much when you have 10+ blades.