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We have a good variety of metals in this game, we have almost all the common names of common metals.
Iron, copper, silver, gold and the legendary mythril ore for normal smithing. There's the new ores from Hillwen Tin, Nickel, Zinc and Hillwen ore.
There is also the unknown ore that is popular in alchemy.
But I feel that mining on all ends has not reached its full potential and the smithing/crafting talents and skills can be a whole lot more if there were new metals that can be made and new uses for the natural resources.
For one, in reality, copper and tin can be mixed to make bronze. So as a starter, bronze items can be useful. In history, bronze was not only used for tools and weaponry, but also used in art like sculptures.
(Speaking of sculptures, Bangor trade goods has marble, but yet there are no marble quarries that exist or any use for it. I think quarrying for stone and its uses need updates as well).
Steelmaking should also be made possible. Steel is made by various molecular bonding when iron is heated with carbon material like coal (and there is the Bangor coal in commerce). In the real world, during the time of Tuatha de Dannon steel had been created in Asia and its knowledge slowly spread. In the Middle Ages, people sought the famed Damascus steel, so if steel can be perhaps some rare metal that can be made it can bring smithing to new areas.
And not to forget about another legendary (fictional) metal. Orichalculm. Which is said by some to rival mythril and/or also has uses in alchemy.
And while we're at it with earthen raw materials, why not glassblowing. There is glass in Erinn after all. And how about gathering clay and making pottery?
And also looking at Bangor's commerce products, does anyone wonder what we can do with Highland Ore if it was a player accessible material?

Also, perhaps we could incorporate metals (including any new ones) into Alchemy.
True but we have masters like Edern for who we can just create a discovery backstory and say that he discovered how this works and shared it with the rest of the world. Or we could just remake the refining skill to take quantities similar to cooking and get the alloys stated above. Plus OP never said anything to force it to a scientific setting, as implied we have Orichalculm and Mythril so imo it would be a nice addition without that big of a story impact.
Making a less potent version obtainable via alchemy would be really cool. Imagine being able to summon a mini glas ghaibleann as a golem or having an adamantium shield.
More info here:
I think every iron item we smith in-game is basically steel. I personally would not have fun going through the entire steelmaking process in the game, even though I find it very interesting. It's just an aspect of reality I am willing to sacrifice in the name of convenience.
Wouldn't they just be short giants that are even more unfashionable?
Come on now.
Males would require (edit: Full) beards though. No other option available.
And singing
Far over the Misty Mountains cold,
To dungeons deep and caverns old,
We must away, ere break of day,
To seek our pale enchanted gold.
The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,
While hammers fell like ringing bells,
In places deep, where dark things sleep,
In hollow halls beneath the fells.
For ancient king and elvish lord
There many a gleaming golden hoard
They shaped and wrought, and light they caught,
To hide in gems on hilt of sword.
On silver necklaces they strung
The flowering stars, on crowns they hung
The dragon-fire, on twisted wire
They meshed the light of moon and sun.
Far over the Misty Mountains cold,
To dungeons deep and caverns old,
We must away, ere break of day,
To claim our long-forgotten gold.
Goblets they carved there for themselves,
And harps of gold, where no man delves
There lay they long, and many a song
Was sung unheard by men or elves.
It would not surprise me if when Nexon was developing the Giants for Mabinogi that they started out as Dwarves. Krug retains the original male giant body type. His proportions are quite dwarf-like. There are other dwarf-like features retained by the giants: the most notable being that they have an antagonistic relationship with elves.
That being said I'd still like to have dwarves anyway. Males AND Females would have the option for beards but they wouldn't have to though; Dopey is beardless after all.
like this?
Hillwen engineering technology will spread across Erinn and fuse with refining and smithing (IRL Extractive Metallurgy and Metalworking, respectively). Wouldn't it be neat to make a pickaxe out of hillwen, or use an engineering hammer in place of a blacksmith hammer? Edern will send his daughter to study Hillwen Engineering under Hector in the Hillwen Mines, and Hector will send one of his interim engineers to study with Edern. Elves will be banned from using or looking at Hillwen. Imagine the possibilities!
It would be neat to make more items other than equipment and tools as well.
Maybe they'll finally do something with Dragon Excavation Site where Seumas has been digging at the same spot for eternity.
According to wikipedia, IRL alchemy is basically old (incorrect) chemistry written in secretive code. Mabi's alchemy on the other hand is a mix or chance, magic, and science. It's really tricky to comprehend rationally. The battle alchemy skills are like an alternative form of elemental magic but with earth as an extra combat element. The transmutation skills are like a combination of chance, equivalent exchange, and like... time reversal. Synthesis has this element of chance, where the universe trades with you for something of similar value. Fragmentation does the same, but the universe looks backwards in time somehow to give you the constituent components of an object in return for the actual object. Metal conversion is the odd one out that doesn't follow equivalent exchange (maybe that's ok since it's a concept from FMA and not mabi
I'm rambling now... In the end I think alchemy is too magical to fit with blacksmithing. I would group Alchemy with Magic, Apothecary, and Magic Craft.
So you're saying that the alchemic/chemistry bonds of metal making should be kept as part of the refining process?
In my opinion, why not use alchemy to make a certain type of mat that can be bonded with metals to make a better ingot during refining?
Or is that too complicated?
I thought about it since then, and now I think we can mix metal conversion and refining. My reasoning: Whatever it is alchemists do in front of that dry oven maybe blacksmiths can perform the same thing in front of a forge. Would this new "Alchemic Refining" skill replace both Metal Conversion and Refining, or would it be a separate skill? How would we fit it into the lore? We could send Eabha, the boy master alchemist, to live with Meles, the 16yo Elf blacksmith, and they could co-invent some sort of alchemic furnace so we can alchemically convert metals and ores while we smelt them. (Then 10 years later they get married lol)
Your second question, a material obtained only from alchemy for use in refining? It would be nice to produce a rare metal with metal conversion or synthesis that cannot be found naturally in Erinn. For example, metal convert mythril into some rare metal like mercury, bismuth, platinum, or adamantium.
As well as for the other suggestions?
Are there anything other than equipment that should be made that players can use?
Maybe the easiest path would be to make mythril ore obtainable only through alchemy and remove it from mining and metallurgy.
Mythril can take the role of the very rare, super light yet very strong metal that is not found in nature. Hillwen can take the role of the hard-to-extract, super dense, super hard metal. Maybe one day we can have different mines for different ores, even for the three new engineering ores so we can mine them directly. Examples: drop an iron ore on Barri altar to enter an iron mine, drop a tin ore to enter a tin mine, and so on for zinc, nickel, copper, and silver. Hopefully gold can become rarer than it is now so that the metallurgy skill can be used primarily for gathering gold and gems in sand.
To answer your last question of what to make with these new metals, we can use them to make musical instruments, jewelry, furniture, potions, dyes and spray paints, magical ink for writing our own skill books, tattoo ink, different colored fireworks, flares to light up dark areas, food for monsters/pets/golems, coin minting...
But then, crafting your own accessories to me has more value.