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Neagh Fishing Event

Mabinogi Rep: 21,655
Posts: 1,593
edited September 13, 2018 in Vault
Another couple needs your help! Travel to the Abb Neagh to find Tibby and Jacca. Tibby will give you some bait and quests to fish up some love letters that got washed away. Help her enough times to get the brand new Autumn Romance 2nd Title, and the Autumn Outfit Box! Check out all of the juicy details here!


Neagh Fishing Event

Event Dates: Thursday, September 13, After Maintenance - Thursday, October 11, Before Maintenance

Event Details:

  • Head to Abb Neagh to register a main character at Tibby.
  • Tibby can be found between Abb Neagh Lake and the Bard Camp Moongate
  • Once a character is registered, that character will receive a stack of Lake Neagh Bait Feeder.
  • You can buy extra bait for 100,000 gold
  • Fish up letters that were lost in the lake and deliver them to Jacca.
  • When you catch Tibby's Glass Jar, open it to find the lost letters!

Quest Details:

You will receive a daily quest called "Delivering Letters" that requires you to turn in letters to Jacca. Once you complete the daily quest once you will get another quest called "Making Up with Jacca". This quest will require you to complete the daily multiple times.

  • "Delivering Letters" completed x5 - Sky Blue Prism Box (2x Shadow Mission EXP)
  • "Delivering Letters" completed x10 - Yellow Prism Box (2x Combat EXP)
  • "Delivering Letters" completed x15 - Autumn Romance 2nd Title Coupon
  • "Delivering Letters" completed x20 - Autumn Outfit Box (Rewards set based off of your current gender.)

Neagh Fishing Hot Days:

Log in during the following days to receive a Lake Neagh Bait Feeder.

  • September 15th
  • September 16th
  • September 22nd
  • September 23rd
  • September 29th
  • September 30th
  • October 6th
  • October 7th

Lake Neagh Bait Feeder List:

  • Tibby's Glass Jar
  • Homestead Stone
  • Glass Shard
  • Abb Neagh Carp
  • Catfish

Tibby's Glass Jar:

Use this Jar to get either Tibby's Letter or Jacca's Letter and a random item from the list below!

  • Drawstring Pouch
  • Black Bag (10x17) Coupon
  • Autumn Wig (M)
  • Autumn Wig (F)
  • Diamond 10cm
  • Topaz 10cm
  • Star Sapphire 10cm
  • Emerald 10cm
  • Aquamarine 10cm
  • Garnet 10cm
  • Jasper 10cm
  • Ruby 10cm
  • Spinel 10cm
  • Special Arrow Bundle (500 Arrows)
  • Special Bolt Bundle (500 Bolts)
  • Common Gem Powder
  • Fine Gem Powder
  • Party Phoenix Feather (Event)(30 Days)
  • High Speed Gathering Potion (Event)(30 Days)
  • Speed Walk Potion 40% (10 min)(Event)(30 Days)
  • HP Buff Potion (Event)(30 Days)
  • MP Buff Potion (Event)(30 Days)
  • Stamina Buff Potion (Event)(30 Days)
  • Protection/DEF Buff Potion (Event)(30 Days)
  • Special Tendering Potion (Event)(30 Days)
  • Special Tendering Potion S (Event)(30 Days)
  • Production Failure Potion (Event)(30 Days)
  • Potion of Proficiency (Event)(30 Days)
  • HP 50 Potion
  • HP 100 Potion
  • HP 300 Potion
  • MP 50 Potion
  • MP 100 Potion
  • MP 300 Potion
  • Stamina 50 Potion
  • Stamina 100 Potion
  • Stamina 300 Potion
  • HP & MP 50 Potion
  • HP & MP 100 Potion
  • HP & MP 300 Potion
  • HP & Stamina 30 Potion
  • HP & Stamina 50 Potion
  • HP & Stamina 100 Potion
  • HP & Stamina 300 Potion
  • HP 300 Potion SE
  • MP 300 Potion SE
  • Stamina 300 Potion SE
  • Wound Remedy 300 Potion SE
  • Weapon Appearance Recovery Scroll
  • Cheap Silk
  • Common Silk
  • Fine Silk
  • Finest Silk
  • Cheap Fabric
  • Common Fabric
  • Fine Fabric
  • Finest Fabric
  • Cheap Leather
  • Common Leather
  • Fine Leather
  • Finest Leather
  • Cheap Leather Strap
  • Common Leather Strap
  • Fine Leather Strap
  • Finest Leather Strap
  • Iron Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Mythril Ingot
  • Advanced Phoenix Feather
  • Homestead Eggplant Seed
  • Homestead Strawberry Seed
  • Homestead Pumpkin Seed
  • Homestead Cabbage Seed
  • Homestead Tomato Seed
  • Poinsettia Seed
  • Homestead Chamomile Seed
  • Homestead Rose Hip Seed


  • LadameLadame
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 159
    edited September 13, 2018
    No tin potions? </3

    Actually I have a question about the outfit box. I know some people who fish on a different character from their mains since their main doesn't have fishing ranked. Their fishing character however isn't the same gender as their main! Are the boxes trade-able, at least through the bank?
  • YukiKitsuneYukiKitsune
    Mabinogi Rep: 645
    Posts: 3
    they would have no reason to make them character locked , its like an outfit bag
  • nevyn25nevyn25
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,135
    Posts: 667
    so anyone got a clue as to what those glass shard are for? I mean, seems like a waste of effort to me to include them when they serve no function
  • dorinnadorinna
    Mabinogi Rep: 845
    Posts: 36
    doesnt say use on them so just junk a waste of bait
  • darkchaos125darkchaos125
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,165
    Posts: 44
    edited September 13, 2018
    Just to make sure, does turning in x5 letters to Jacca count if you do it more than once a day, towards the Quest? Was wondering since we have a x5, x10, and x20 completes as quest conditions.
  • JazmynJazmyn
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 1,009
    Just to make sure, does turning in x5 letters to Jacca count if you do it more than once a day, towards the Quest? Was wondering since we have a x5, x10, and x20 completes as quest conditions.

    It does not. Save your letters for the daily quest only.
  • MeaveMeave
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,050
    Posts: 86
    well I have several things to say
    One) I turned in the letters thinking it was as often as I got them, my bad. live and learn.
    Two) I cannot get any more fishing bait from Tibby she keeps telling me to come back tomorrow. When does the timer reset for this event?
  • JiantoJianto
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,305
    Posts: 25
    Meave wrote: »
    well I have several things to say
    One) I turned in the letters thinking it was as often as I got them, my bad. live and learn.
    Two) I cannot get any more fishing bait from Tibby she keeps telling me to come back tomorrow. When does the timer reset for this event?

    I think the normal time (the time all daily quest and daily adventurer seal quests reset)
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    Meave wrote: »
    well I have several things to say
    One) I turned in the letters thinking it was as often as I got them, my bad. live and learn.
    Two) I cannot get any more fishing bait from Tibby she keeps telling me to come back tomorrow. When does the timer reset for this event?

    Can't you even buy them?
  • RoxwellRoxwell
    Mabinogi Rep: 605
    Posts: 23
    It would of been nice to have a bit more information on this event.
    I also kept turning in the letters yesterday. So I ended up wasting my time and letters I could of saved...
    It would of been nice to know that only 10 letters a day count towards the quest.

    Also it would of been nice to know that Tibby only sells you one extra bait tin a day. : /
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    I would have appreciated a counter (0/5 then 1/5 and so on until 5/5) on each of the tasks of the over-arching event quest.

    Also, I really hate how dishonest Tibby is, keeping all those love letters from probably dozens of previous relationships and claiming that she was going to get rid of them because Jacca is only one for her. And poor Jacca doesn't know how... popular... Tibby was in the past. I wish I could show Jacca all the love letters from other men so he could make an informed decision on the calibre of woman Tibby is. Now, I'm not saying it's a bad thing or a good thing to have that many previous relationships, but I think Jacca should make his decision based on facts and not fiction.
  • darkchaos125darkchaos125
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,165
    Posts: 44
    edited September 14, 2018
    Roxwell wrote: »
    It would of been nice to have a bit more information on this event.
    I also kept turning in the letters yesterday. So I ended up wasting my time and letters I could of saved...
    It would of been nice to know that only 10 letters a day count towards the quest.

    Also it would of been nice to know that Tibby only sells you one extra bait tin a day. : /
    Yeah, they tend to miss out on important details like this in events =/ there's no counter for the daily quests of how many times you turned in daily, not that it matters, but its nice to keep track cuz we can be forgetful.
    I would have appreciated a counter (0/5 then 1/5 and so on until 5/5) on each of the tasks of the over-arching event quest.

    Also, I really hate how dishonest Tibby is, keeping all those love letters from probably dozens of previous relationships and claiming that she was going to get rid of them because Jacca is only one for her. And poor Jacca doesn't know how... popular... Tibby was in the past. I wish I could show Jacca all the love letters from other men so he could make an informed decision on the calibre of woman Tibby is. Now, I'm not saying it's a bad thing or a good thing to have that many previous relationships, but I think Jacca should make his decision based on facts and not fiction.

    Yeahhhh...that's for a different thread. I agree though. It's funny and sad how as the milletian, you pretty much get to find out everyone's darkest secrets. Even I don't understand how the milletian protag thinks. They're pretty MEH about everything yet they have the stereotype of charging senselessly into battle (sorta) with no disregard for their lives. Actually that fits the description of alot of mabi players in NA server....back then I was just an elf party reviver and idiot party members act surprised when they get killed in one hit when reviving back with little to no HP, and I just stand there facepalming. No regard for survival, no strategy.
    Roxwell wrote: »
    It would of been nice to have a bit more information on this event.
    I also kept turning in the letters yesterday. So I ended up wasting my time and letters I could of saved...
    It would of been nice to know that only 10 letters a day count towards the quest.

    Also it would of been nice to know that Tibby only sells you one extra bait tin a day. : /

    It might be due to the fact that the Tibby's Jar is the only way to open and find the top two prizes: Drawstring Pouch and the new bag.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Black Bag is not a new bag. It's already been on few events and gachas.
    How many times will i have to say this?
  • FirelinksFirelinks
    Mabinogi Rep: 720
    Posts: 29
    I gave Jacca over 70 letters and it won't complete the Delivering letters x5 part of the quest, He just keep giving me full recovery potions...
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    Firelinks wrote: »
    I gave Jacca over 70 letters and it won't complete the Delivering letters x5 part of the quest, He just keep giving me full recovery potions...

    You need to do the [Delivering Letters] daily quest 5 times. Save your letters for tomorrow and tomorrow's tomorrow. After 5 times it's 5 more for more prizes until the last one which is after a total of 20 times. We essentially have to turn in 10 letters for 20 days.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    Good lord I do not like these two NPCs.

    That girl is the sort I would like to stay away from. And that guy is an overreactive little runt.

  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    edited September 22, 2018
    TNinja wrote: »
    Good lord I do not like these two NPCs.

    That girl is the sort I would like to stay away from. And that guy is an overreactive little runt.

    My face when interacting with Jacca and Tibby.

    Yeah, the guy is a bit dense and dramatic. He must get his precious letters back, but when you try to give him less than 10 he brushes you off and tells you to gather 10 letters before giving them to him. "...It's just easier that way" he says. Then when you do give him 10 letters, you only get a "Hey, thanks. :|" Like maaan, forget you and your trainwreck love life.
    Don't get me wrong, I like the event and the NPCs, I just dislike the personalities of the NPCs. In other words, I enjoy that I dislike the NPCs. It means they have character.
  • IcedrakeIcedrake
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,170
    Posts: 42
    Still wanna know why glass shards are a thing. I really hope they have a hidden purpose so my saving all of these 133 shards that I already have, and the more than 10x that I am likely to get by the end of the event will be worth something...
  • JazmynJazmyn
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 1,009
    Icedrake wrote: »
    Still wanna know why glass shards are a thing. I really hope they have a hidden purpose so my saving all of these 133 shards that I already have, and the more than 10x that I am likely to get by the end of the event will be worth something...

    They have no use. Sorry.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    Jazmyn wrote: »
    Icedrake wrote: »
    Still wanna know why glass shards are a thing. I really hope they have a hidden purpose so my saving all of these 133 shards that I already have, and the more than 10x that I am likely to get by the end of the event will be worth something...

    They have no use. Sorry.

    The new Dead Bee