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Wig Trade-ins

Mabinogi Rep: 3,185
Posts: 266
edited September 19, 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions
So, you know how we have those cool hairstyle coupons and stuff?

Well, how about for some wigs (Lacking in hats and such) we can trade them in at an NPC once every week or so. They show up in say, Dunbarton and look like a magician of sorts with a stall and they'll be by the fountain or near the square.

Or maybe they'll be in Tailtennan, giving more reason to go there.

They'll charge you a set amount of gold and will take the wig you want to make into a coupon and you can use it to get the hairstyle when you customize your character in the rebirth screen. It'll unlock a tab in the character customization screen labled "Event Hairstyles" or something and you can select the wig as your hairstyle. Wigs must be fully repaired to turn them into coupons.

With this, you'll have more fashion choices with having the capability to have your wig become a hairstyle and be able to wear headgear at the same time!
  1. Sounds good?5 votes
    1. Yeah!
       40% (2 votes)
    2. Maybe make the NPC always there?
       60% (3 votes)
    3. Maybe you just need the wig, no need for gold?
       0% (0 votes)
    4. No thanks, I like how wigs are.
       0% (0 votes)


  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    Will the coupon unlock the hairstyle permanently or just allow one use of the hairstyle?
  • YangKoeteYangKoete
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,185
    Posts: 266
    Will the coupon unlock the hairstyle permanently or just allow one use of the hairstyle?

    Permanently. Granted, it'd make the hair worth more...
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    We could sidestep the entire issue by making wigs replace your character's actual hair, essentially being equipped to the hidden 'hairstyle' equip slot and not the headgear equip slot. It would be cool then if wigs acted like hairstyle coupons in that you upload wigs to the dressing room (in the 'Physical' tab) and they were made available for use during character creation. Hairstyle coupons could then be entirely replaced by wigs.

    I hope that made sense. In other words, wig items would do everything that hairstyle coupons do, but they are redeemed by putting them in the dressing room. You could do the same for eye coupons, replace them with eye items in glass jars.
  • YangKoeteYangKoete
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,185
    Posts: 266
    You could do the same for eye coupons, replace them with eye items in glass jars.

    Pft =w= Ok, that sounds fun.
  • TakunshoTakunsho
    Mabinogi Rep: 660
    Posts: 17
    This is very close to what I was thinking with having wing and ear slots. I'd very much like to have a separate wig slot as well so I could mix it with a hat