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The most minor inconvenience with the new Eweca.
The icon doesn't match the outfit when it comes to the Eluned Bunny Parka Outfit (M).
http://puu.sh/trlOi/fd791e6dcc.jpgThis is disappointing to me - can we not have the version with the full thigh highs for males? It would look cute as heck. It almost seems like it was modified when it was brought over to be shorter leggings, but I would vastly prefer the longer leggings. Any potential fix, or comment?
actually maybe it's not the boots but something about it looks glitched or awkward
EDIT: tried it in the simulator and got the same thing
I guess the shorter leggings is intended... and I really don't think my giant will ever be caught dead in this
Now I really want to see cute elf boys wearing A-grade ZR
I didn't even know I had a thing for this, what have you done