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Spring is still in the air with the Cherry Blossom Box! Open one up to have a chance to get the Cherry Blossom Dress, Cherry Blossom Wings, Regal Cherry Blossom Halo, or even a Shining Star Staff! Check out the full details here!
Cherry Blossom Box
Sale Dates: Thursday, October 4, After Maintenance - Thursday, October 31, Before Maintenance
Item Details:
When you open a Cherry Blossom Box, you will receive a stack of 3 Potent, Potent Fine, or Finest Shadow Crystals and a random item from the list blow.
New Items
- Cherry Blossom Outfit (M)
- Cherry Blossom Dress (F)
- Cherry Blossom Boots (M)
- Cherry Blossom Calf Boots (F)
- Cherry Blossom Wig (M)
- Cherry Blossom Wig (F)
- Cherry Blossom Wig and Hair Piece (F)
- Full Bloom Cherry Blossom Wings
- Cherry Blossom Wings
- Spring Bloom Cherry Blossom Halo (Reforge: Rank 1)
- Regal Cherry Blossom Halo (Reforge: Rank 1)
- Cherry Blossom Bell Tail
- Whimsical Cherry Blossom Tail
- Eluned Fledgling Assassin Wig (F)
- Eluned Fledgling Assassin Outfit (F)
- Eluned 2012 Premium Winter Newbie Wear (M)
- Eluned 2012 Premium Winter Newbie Boots (M)
- Eluned 2012 Premium Winter Newbie Gloves (M)
- Shining Star Staff (Trust) (Reforge: Rank 1)
- Shining Star Harp (Dream)
- Shining Star Shuriken (Justice) (Reforge: Rank 1)
- Shining Star Crossbow (Pride) (Reforge: Rank 1)
- Shining Star Sword (Guard) (Reforge: Rank 1)
- Shining Star Staff (Trust) Appearance Scroll
- Shining Star Harp (Dream) Appearance Scroll
- Shining Star Shuriken (Justice) Appearance Scroll
- Shining Star Crossbow (Pride) Appearance Scroll
- Shining Star Sword (Guard) Appearance Scroll
- Monochromatic Pink Cherry Blossom Pack (Hex: #FE93BE)
- Monochromatic Hot-Pink Pack (Hex: #FF69B4)
- Monochromatic Shining Star Pack (Hex: #EAAB5B)
Additional Items
- Imperial Cosmic Prince Suit (M)
- Imperial Cosmic Princess Dress (F)
- Imperial Cosmic Prince Short Suit (M)
- Imperial Cosmic Princess Mini Dress (F)
- Cosmic Prince Suit (M)
- Cosmic Princess Dress (F)
- Cosmic Prince Short Suit (M)
- Cosmic Princess Mini Dress (F)
- Cosmic Prince Star Gloves (M)
- Cosmic Princess Starry Cuffs (F)
- Cosmic Prince Shoes (M)
- Cosmic Princess Boots (F)
- Cosmic Prince Crown (M)
- Cosmic Princess Crown (F)
- Star Hairpin
- Uaithne
- Goblet of Truth
- Wave Sweeper
- Red Javelin
- Yellow Javelin
- Great Fury Sword
- Magic Cauldron
- Little Fury Sword
- Magic Club
- Failinis
- Magic Breastplate
- Golden Apple
- Magic Wand
- Golden Chain Armor
- Cooking-spit
- Melodious Music Box
- Milky Way Music Box
- Odd Kitty Gloves (M)
- Odd Kitty Gloves (F)
- Odd Kitty Outfit (M)
- Odd Kitty Outfit (F)
- Odd Kitty Shoes (M)
- Odd Kitty Shoes (F)
- Odd Kitty Head (M)
- Odd Kitty Head (F)
- Glamour Dress (F)
- Illusion Suit (M)
- Illusion Headpiece (M)
- Glamour Beret (F)
- Illusion Gloves (M)
- Glamour Pumps (F)
- Illusion Shoes (M)
- Idol Plaid Outfit (F)
- Idol Plaid Outfit (M)
- Idol Plaid Gloves
- Idol Plaid Hat (F)
- Idol Plaid Hat (M)
- Idol Plaid Shoes (F)
- Idol Plaid Shoes (M)
- Evasion Training Potion
- Charge Training Potion
- Lance Counter Training Potion
- Lance Charge Training Potion
- Doppelganger Skill Training Potion
- Luna Crystal Staff Appearance Scroll
- Andris Wing Staff Appearance Scroll
- Ladeca Short Sword Appearance Scroll
- Star Candy Mace Appearance Scroll
- Toy Hammer Appearance Scroll
- Smiley Knuckles Appearance Scroll
- Platinum Hammer of Durability
- Lucky Red Upgrade Stone
- Ring Torque (Enchant: Transparent/Tidal)(Reforge: Rank 1)
- Ring (Enchant: Transparent/Tidal)(Reforge: Rank 1)
- Celtic Cross (Enchant: Transparent/Tidal)(Reforge: Rank 1)
- Ring Torque (Enchant: Resplendent/Cosmos)(Reforge: Rank 2)
- Ring (Enchant: Dependable/Theatrical)(Reforge: Rank 2)
- Celtic Cross (Enchant: Light/Bowman's)(Reforge: Rank 2)
- Ring Torque (Enchant: Dependable/Tempest)(Reforge: Rank 2)
- Ring (Enchant: Surprising/Tempest)(Reforge: Rank 2)
- Celtic Cross (Enchant: Stout/Tempest)(Reforge: Rank 2)
- Ring Torque (Enchant: Surprising/Cornflower)(Reforge: Rank 1)
- Ring (Enchant: Stout/Earthquake)(Reforge: Rank 1)
- Celtic Cross (Enchant: Precise/Lilly)(Reforge: Rank 1)
- Illusion Rod
- Serenity Rod
- Lorna's Goldbox
- Pan's Goldbox
- Dorcha Mastery Training Potion
- Chain Blade Mastery Training Potion
- Dorcha Snatch Training Potion
- Raging Spike Training Potion
- Chain Sweep Training Potion
- Dorcha Conversion Training Potion
- Chain Burst Training Potion
- Bachram Explosion Training Potion
- Shadow Cloak Training Potion
- Smokescreen Training Potion
- Sakura Abyss Training Potion
- Shuriken Mastery Training Potion
- Shuriken Charge Training Potion
- Kunai Storm Training Potion
- Shadow Bind Training Potion
- Explosive Kunai Training Potion
- Focused White Beam Sword
- Focused Green Beam Sword
- Focused Red Beam Sword
- Focused Blue Beam Sword
- Focused Rainbow Beam Sword
- Red Upgrade Stone
Seriously, even for Gachas, this is gross overkill.
Maybe they're experimenting if having multiple gachas out at once will make players feel more inclined to buy from them all at once.
Clearly not. The only people who might are Gacha spammers who somehow don't have everything they want from the last two, which seems unlikely with how Gacha spammers are.
Not to mention there will obviously be Halloween gacha thrown at us sooner or later this month.
My god will we ever get a break?!
It's because the seasons in California are completely upside down. And Nexon being in California must also be confused on the seasons.
To be honest, the weather does like pulling a few 180°'s here in Ohio too.
Yesterday it was really hot and today it's rather cool so maybe the box isn't lying hehe -3-
Well at least you haven't had late autumn and winter heat that makes plants bloom instead of resting.
It's messed up and killed a lot of trees.
The weapons look like they could be from that series.
Even whales have limits. The concept here is how paychecks are distributed on at least a weekly basis, if not biweekly or even monthly. Accruing real money over time inevitably means most of us have to spend it over time, and thus foisting a time to pool all the currency we don't have for this purpose on the players without prior notice is a terrible business mode.
With something like conventions, we get a set date to which we begin to save money until then. Nexon is just throwing gachapons and splitting the limited wealth of the whales, thinking additional prizes would increase spending significantly versus biding their time.
I don't wish to throw a strawman out there, but how is a gachapon filled with mostly fashion items a terrible approach, when the alternative is to throw out cheap Celtics and superior enchants like Spooky and Eerie that make most equipment progress in the game moot, as well as the profit margin to produce said items in the first place?
Because the seasons are out of order in California.
I mean I'm in California and I still go Apple picking in October.....
Wake me up when they finally release Halloween sales and events.
But surely you've noticed that screwy things have been happening with the seasons the last several years right?
But also, I guess it depends on which part you are in.
And look you're hibernating before winter! XD
We'll let you know when it's Halloween. XD
The seasons are opposite of us for the players that are in the southern hemisphere. No reason we cant show them some luvs.